View Full Version : Virus Again!

28-09-08, 18:19
Posted a few days ago about a virus I thought I had,had some nice replies off folk which made me feel a little calmer,however it's now Sunday evening and I thought I was getting better but today still felt a little low.The thing that is worrying me the most is the fact that for a few months now I have had a gnawing pain in my lower back (on the left hand side just adjacent to the rib)and it is the most sickly horrible pain,it just makes me feel as though I want to curl up in a ball.I went to the doctor about it but he said he didn't think it was serious and just told me to monitor it(great!). Anyway last Wednesday fell foul of a temperature,feeling very sick and chills,went to bed and had a disturbed night,as I say it's now Sunday and I haven't eaten a meal since last Tuesday because of feeling sick.I have only had one episode of diarrhoea and haven't been on the loo since Friday,if it was a virus I would have had more diarrhoea surely and I'm worried that this pain is connected in some way.Doesn't bowel cancer start with pain and discomfort in the pelvic region?I am really scared about this.Since January I have lost a stone in weight which my husband thinks isn't a lot,it's just a dress size but I have lost about 4 pounds since the beginning of the week but he thinks it's cos I have lived on virtually nothing ,he said I worry about everything without looking at the evidence,not eating will result in losing weight but why do i feel like this?
I really don't want to go back to the doctors as I have just joined the practice and they will have me down as a nuisance before long,sorry to go on and on in this post but I feel really fed up and worried at the moment and just want to eat normally again.

28-09-08, 21:07
hello it sounds like anxiety to me ,ive been not able to eat properly for a while now get it in front of me and its like no way , ive started putting a tiny bit in a bowl when i need to eat as large amounts are off putting , i lost 3 stone a cpl of years back due to anxiety and vb12 deficiency , but its always best to go to drs and get checked its what they are there for my drs receptionist even recognises my voice on phone now thats how often ive been

take care

28-09-08, 21:15
Posted a few days ago about a virus I thought I had,had some nice replies off folk which made me feel a little calmer,however it's now Sunday evening and I thought I was getting better but today still felt a little low.The thing that is worrying me the most is the fact that for a few months now I have had a gnawing pain in my lower back (on the left hand side just adjacent to the rib)and it is the most sickly horrible pain,it just makes me feel as though I want to curl up in a ball.I went to the doctor about it but he said he didn't think it was serious and just told me to monitor it(great!). Anyway last Wednesday fell foul of a temperature,feeling very sick and chills,went to bed and had a disturbed night,as I say it's now Sunday and I haven't eaten a meal since last Tuesday because of feeling sick.I have only had one episode of diarrhoea and haven't been on the loo since Friday,if it was a virus I would have had more diarrhoea surely and I'm worried that this pain is connected in some way.Doesn't bowel cancer start with pain and discomfort in the pelvic region?I am really scared about this.Since January I have lost a stone in weight which my husband thinks isn't a lot,it's just a dress size but I have lost about 4 pounds since the beginning of the week but he thinks it's cos I have lived on virtually nothing ,he said I worry about everything without looking at the evidence,not eating will result in losing weight but why do i feel like this?
I really don't want to go back to the doctors as I have just joined the practice and they will have me down as a nuisance before long,sorry to go on and on in this post but I feel really fed up and worried at the moment and just want to eat normally again.

If you are not eating you will have no faeces to pass.

28-09-08, 22:14
Mothermac has your doc tested you for a water infection?
My daughter was suffering the same symptoms as you and when the doc tested her urine they found she had a water infection
Water infections can cause lower back pain, fever on and off, as well as sickness and belive it or not dirrhoea. She was much better after some anti b's. Please go back and ask for your urine to be tested.
Stress and anx can make you motabolisum go through the roof and cause weight loss and of cause if your not eating well it will be worse.
My daughters pain in her back was so bad at times she would get me to sit and rub it for her and take loads of pain killers. She aso didnt eat for 10 days due to feeling like she wanted to be sick all the time, ad when she tried she just felt sicker
If it aint been teted its worth having it done just to rule it out
Sometimes a water infection can be there for a few months before it realy gets bad but can cause the symptoms you are saying.

28-09-08, 22:38
hey mothermac, it sounds like you've not been eating well for some time. This will make you feel weak, generally unwell, and have a negative effect on your immune system too. By not eating enough, you are almost sure to be missing out on the nutrients your body needs to maintain a healthy immune system. That may be why you've been picking up all sorts of infections (perhaps including a UTI, as kellie suggests). And your husband is right - not eating will make you lose weight. Your doctor would have carried out more tests if he'd seen anything that made him think that cancer was a possibility.
I'd suggest you spend a bit of time thinking about your diet and see if you can slowly increase the amount that you eat, and make sure that you are getting wide variety of good food - lots of fresh fruit and veg, protein and fibre. You probably won't feel like it at first, but plan what you're going to eat in advance, eat regularly and just try a little at a time. It will soon become a habit. This is a bit weird, but when I was sick with a long viral illness recently and often didn't feel like eating, I tried to think of my body as a pet that I had to look after. That way, even when I couldn't be bothered to eat, I'd think "got to look after the pet" and would feed myself anyway. Bit odd, I know, but it worked for me. :blush: