View Full Version : ANOTHER NEW MEMBER!

26-05-05, 19:37
Hello everyone! Blimey! I am so glad not to be alone in this wierd old world of anxiety and panic. I have suffered with anxiety for nearly 5 years now. Went to doctors initially but he was useless and have basically been my own therapist since. I have come a long way since the early days but it has been a long a winding road. I do still have off days though, my main problem now is pmt - my anxiety is 10 fold at around that time. I think I may be able to help some of you out there but I also hope to discuss some of my issues with you (God help you!).
By the way, I have found meditation and yoga excellent in helping me with my recovery - positive visualisation and being really committed to changing your perceptions is also vital. Speak to you all soon. Just remember YOU CAN and YOU WILL!

a hill

26-05-05, 19:42
Hey Hillamanda,

Welcome to the site, you will find lots of support here!!

Take care,

tracy x x

26-05-05, 19:44
Welcome aboard!! :D

26-05-05, 19:46
its really encouraging to hear someone being so positive! I hope you find this site helpful.

Em xx

26-05-05, 19:48
Hi Hillamanda

Welcome to the forum, you will find it very helpful with lots of good advice.

linda x

26-05-05, 19:52
hI Hillamanda,

welcome to the site, look forward to hearing more about you,

you will get loads of support and understanding here,

take care

kairen x

26-05-05, 20:04
Hey Amanda ,

Welcome and very well done for having walked most of that recovery path alone ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-05-05, 21:11
Welcome aboard Amanda.

We look forward to hearing more about that from you and we will help you all we can as well.

Good to have you here.


26-05-05, 21:45
Hi Amanda

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

27-05-05, 09:24
Hi and welcome to the site.

You sound to have coped really well, hope as much help as you can offer we can give you in return.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-05-05, 10:53
Hi Hillamanda

Welcome to the site and thanks for your kind words, I agree with yoga and changing perceptions.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

27-05-05, 11:16
Hi Amanda
welcome to the site, it's lovely to read some possative words and you should be proud that you have made this progress on your own, hope we can all be of help to you.

Sharon xxxxx

My spelling is appawling..... i need a goood Engleesh site lol