View Full Version : TV Anxiety

28-09-08, 18:26
Okay, you know that you have random anx when you worry about stuff like this. I think I went to bed way too late last night watching an exciting TV show box set and then I ended up waking up too early because I got excited on watching it the next day. I'm like--rationally, I know that it's a silly thing to be excited about but the thought kept going over and over in my head and I couldn't get rid of it! Before I knew it, I had worked myself up so much that I felt wide awake. It was morning already and since I'm used to waking up in the morning around that time I felt awake anyway...I just wish I could somehow get rid of those stupid thoughts. I mean I like getting into TV shows like that, it shows that they're very good but I'm afraid if I watch it again (or at least watch it too close to bed) I'm going to see something so thrilling I wont' be able to sleep again or it'll keep going round and round in my head. And I'm about halfway through the series and it's at that point that I can't NOT watch it because I'm that invested already. ARGH...I wish it was a movie so I could just get it done and over with. I'm tempted to just do a marathon watch through just to get it out of my system! I tend to get invested in characters so it's just been my nature to be like this except I haven't come across a show this addicting in awhile. I bet the writers would love to hear that they did this to me...grumble mumble...

Anyway if you're curious it's Heroes the first season. Don't spoil it for me!

28-09-08, 18:58
I once watched Heroes quite late at night & had a dream that I was a superhero!!!!!

28-09-08, 20:22
Great show and can see why your hooked. I think maybe the key is watching it too late. Maybe try a set time where you just switch the tv off? Try even reading before you go to bed, or listen to some soft music?