View Full Version : anxiety after a night on the town

28-09-08, 18:33
Hi Guys
I went to a wedding last night and drank a skin full. Whenever i do this the next day and sometimes longer i het horrific anxiety (like i have now) my heart skips beats up to 10 a minute sometimes my pulse will race then go slow, mt chest tightens and i feel i can not breathe, i become convinced that a heart attack is immenient i get so scared i wont leave the house, my legs trn to jelly i have a fear of doom over me. I also ge cramps in the back of my legs. My doctor says all my symptoms (i also have dizziness disorieantation) and wont entertain anything else i fear something is wrong as its not normal to feel so tired all the time. Feel like i am banging my head aganst the wall.
Does anyone else have anxiety after a ight on the pop ??

Cathy V
28-09-08, 18:52
Yes i think you'll find that alot of people on the forum suffer like this if theyve had too much to drink the night before. Alcohol will definately make symptoms of anx much worse, especially if you havent had many hours of sleep either. Dehydration and liver overload all contribute to the 'hangover' effext.

Ive always been an anx sufferer really and get skipped beats as a way of life, but if i combine too much alcohol with lack of sleep these missed beats and flutters are alot worse, and my insides kind of tremble and i just feel like crap the whole day...not worth it these days for me, so i try to only have a glass of wine to be sociable and leave it there.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Cathy xxx

28-09-08, 19:27
I have been here before but each time its just as scary and i think is this the time that will finish me off

28-09-08, 20:28

I'm starting to relate worsening anxiety to drinking too much the night before. I was out last night and had a skinful too, and today my heart has been pumping and i've been feeling anxious. When i get the physical symptoms it seems to then trigger the thoughts that make me anxious in general, don't know if that makes any sense to anyone.

The problem is, when my anxiety levels drop and i feel well enough to have a drink, it can then increase my anxiety the next day. I tend to have a drink when i'm feeling less anxious, if again that makes any sense?

Cathy V
28-09-08, 21:51
It makes alot of sense, meaning that i understand you completely...but it doesnt make alot of sense for us to go on doing it :D

No, I do relate to this so much. If ive had too much to drink i always say "never again" if im feeling bed the following day, but as soon as i start to feel normal again then i have another drink, so vicious circle yes? I have to say tho, that i really have made the effort to stop this and if i drink these days then it really is only a glass or two of vino...but thats because im an old bird now and dont have to be seen to be partying every weekend!

Cathy xxx

28-09-08, 22:12
Yep, I definitely get this. In fact, the only time now I ever have a full on panic attack is if I am very hungover. Lots of my friends are starting to give up the sauce now (early thirties) and I really want to give it a go, too. My next worry is that it will be too difficult!

28-09-08, 22:21
My hubbie gave up drinking after realising it was making his pa/anx much worse. he was an everyday drinker and has been stopped for 5 years and feels so much better
I get puzzeled as to why you would continue to drink when you know how its going to make you feel.
better the prevention than the cure i would think.

28-09-08, 22:33

I understand how you feel. I get Palps after just two drinks and If I have 4 or more I suffer the next day feeling as if I am going to die. I am slowly giving up drink but sometimes after a hard weeks work it just seems nice to have a beer or two, but thats it, no more or pay for it.

Keep off the intoxicants thats my advice.

All the best

29-09-08, 11:21
i was out on saturday night and felt anxious all day yesterday. But i had a few glasses of wine on friday night and felt fine. Maybe its after a mad night out that i get more anxious. My heart was thumping all day yesterday, went to bed last night and couldnt sleep......kept getting chest pains , tingling arm etc. Havent been this anxious in ages so think it must have been the alcohol

glad to know im not going mad! :yahoo: