View Full Version : pain in my hand, advice?

28-09-08, 19:21
hi guys

for past few weeks ive noticed a pain in my hand on and off, its like when u have written to much after not writing for a while

its not all the time or everyday even but im noticing it when im pushing the buggy or peeling potatos etc, anyway i got all anxious about it and i think i thats what caused my arm pain in the week, i so want to google but i wont, also it feels hot sometimes, and its palmside, does anyone know what it could be, or really what im trying to say is that, im worring its cancer or something, its becoming the main focus of my day, its minor but its getting me down .

leanne xx

28-09-08, 21:09
hi guys

for past few weeks ive noticed a pain in my hand on and off, its like when u have written to much after not writing for a while

its not all the time or everyday even but im noticing it when im pushing the buggy or peeling potatos etc, anyway i got all anxious about it and i think i thats what caused my arm pain in the week, i so want to google but i wont, also it feels hot sometimes, and its palmside, does anyone know what it could be, or really what im trying to say is that, im worring its cancer or something, its becoming the main focus of my day, its minor but its getting me down .

leanne xx

Well it is not cancer so get that out of your head. It is probably a muscle or tendon problem. I use to get a pain down my arm and into my thumb. Perhaps it is a slight form of RSI. IT IS NOT CANCER.

28-09-08, 21:37
I used to do a job that involved a lot of work with a mouse (computer mouse, not small mammal) and had a bout of RSI that ran down the back of my forearm and hand. My hand especially would feel hot and sore when it was bad. Once I stopped doing that job it went away.
Heat is usually a sign of inflammation. You might have a strained muscle or tendon which gets inflamed when you're doing something that aggravates it. You could try some Deep Heat or a hot water bottle on the sore area, or alternate ice and heat. Gentle stretching might help. You could always go to the doctor if it doesn't get better in a week or so. Like Trixie says, though, it's not cancer :).

29-09-08, 07:14
hi guys

thanks so much, so exactly like what i have, when i clench my fist i can feel the pain going up my arm a bit, did u get anything for it or did it just go?

leanne x

29-09-08, 07:22
I had one physio session, he diagnosed mild RSI in one of the tendons that runs down the forearm to the back of the hand. He gave me a little sonic therapy (don't know what that was) and some exercises to do which involved gently stretching the tendon and the muscles that move it. Then I had a workstation assessment from the RSI specialist at work who adjusted my workstation and gave me some tips on improving my posture. I used Deep Heat, massage and a hot water bottle on the sore bit - not entirely sure any of those things helped. The only thing that made it go away was not using the mouse so much any more. Do you think your doctor would refer you for physio? They should be able to assess exactly where the problem is coming from.

29-09-08, 07:36
i get a pain in my hand somtimes and ive noticed its because i spend way to much time online lol :D sounds like nothing maybe just tension im sure u will be fine!

29-09-08, 14:22

i went to the drs he says i have carpal tunnel syndrome, makes sense i spose but ummmmmmm i dunno xxx thanks for all your replys
