View Full Version : waking in the middle of the night??

28-09-08, 19:27
My problem at the moment seems to be waking up in the middle of the night and feeling this huge wave of panic rushing over me and i cannot gather my thoughts its like i dont even know who i am or where i am!

is this just an offshoot of panic and anxiety and has any1 else experienced this??

thanks lee

28-09-08, 20:16
Hi lee270780

Usually waking up during the night or early mourning is a sign of depression.
What happens is that you dream intensively, which eventually wakes you up feeling anxious. What I used to do when feeling like this was to pop half a sleeping tablet in my mouth to get back to sleep. Getting a good nights sleep is essential in overcoming depression.


28-09-08, 20:28
thanks tom, although i honestly dont feel depressed, have actually been quite chipper recently. im enjoying my work my golf is picking up and i am enjoying life so really dont think its that,

thanks anyway

28-09-08, 22:29
When I am going through a really hard time with anxiety I get this. I think all the anxiety makes people really tired and when the wake with little rest they feel kind of out of it. I know it is really hard, but try not to think about it. Get up and do something if you need to. Distract yourself as best you can. Eventually you will be tired enough to go back to sleep. In time it will bother you less and you will just go back to sleep.
Take care.

28-09-08, 22:30
Hi Lee

I just posted the other day about this see this thread...

So I know what your going on about, I was given some really great advice which I am putting to use cos I can't stand this waking up in the middle of the night either, its got so I don't want to go to bed :sad:

However, I don't believe I am depressed either, I have suffered depression on and off for years so usually know when I'm at a low point. I'm fairly sure this is just another blip for me, I'm sure it will be the same for you too.
I know I will have other blips, I'm just so relieved to find somewhere where there are other people who know what its like so I don't feel so alone...


29-09-08, 01:09
I was the same, and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this.

I found that getting up for some quiet and warm milk would act to calm me back down again.

But I had the hardest time with mornings . . . I'd wake up, and for the very shortest instant feel fine . . . then a wave of anxiety would wash over me, and that would be that.

It does get better. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that it can go away entirely. NMP has all the resources to get you on your way -- and you just take it from there.

Trust me . . . you CAN get back to a wonderful, sound nights' sleep, and quiet, calm, relaxed mornings waking up. I know it sounds too good to be true at the moment, but it is, and you can.

29-09-08, 13:23
I seem to have problems waking up and some bizzare thoughts and sensations.

strange isn't it?
