View Full Version : deleted posts

29-09-08, 01:09
Hi, I've not been on here more than a week or so and I think it's a good site. thumbs up to the originators.. But after getting a few replies i thought I'd read other peoples problems and give some helping advice back, only to see the post in the delete basket moments after. Does anyone else get this? surely any free advice should be welcomed. I guess it's look after no1....

Cathy V
29-09-08, 10:36
It wouldnt have been deleted unless it was offensive. Sometimes these things happen by mistake...wrong button pressed etc, it often happens to new threads, sometimes new members close them by mistake! perhaps you can reply again?

Cathy :)

29-09-08, 12:34
Ye could well be, cause my comments were not insensitive, I advised a self harmer that ice is a could substitute and does not leave scars, I also said she may well be well aware of this, so i did not sound patronising. When i went to view if she had any comments on the advice, I could only see my post deleted, so no one could now view it. Oh well could have been a mistake! cheers Rich.

29-09-08, 13:00

Your reply is still there my end so not really sure what is going on?


29-09-08, 17:54
Not sure, some I.T prob maybe. I'm also a bit out of sorts on these things. I still don't really know the difference between a post, threads, blogs, etc.. I'm posting stuff to my own threads, and starting new topics with posts, not sure were blogs come into it. I end up with a computer depression :roflmao: rich

29-09-08, 18:28
If an Aministrator finds any content of a post potentialy offensive, then it can be closed on a temporary basis till further investigated by that Administrator and the rest of the Admin team. It may be the case that the post will be re-opened after it has been looked into.

Also the person who started the post could close it for their own reasons.

Hope this help

NMP Administrator

29-09-08, 18:35
Hi there :)
I've checked your posts and couldn't see where any of them have been deleted.
If you can send me a link to a thread where you have replied and it was deleted I can go in and check it out for you :)

Also ...
a thread is the original topic to which you can add a reply.
a blog is a separate page in which you can talk about subjects that interest you - we don't do blogs here.
a post is basically the same as a thread.

Hope this helps :)

30-09-08, 11:58
Thanks sandy, I try find it and let you know. As previously commented, it may be that the thread starter deleted it for her own reasons, which I respect. You can't help all of the people all of the time, I only post comments for the best intentions - if people choose to ignore it, then no probs, I only wish people well either way... Richx