View Full Version : Weird feeling...im scared :S

29-09-08, 03:53
Well i've been handling my anxiety pretty good the past week, but this weekend it started coming back. About an hour ago i was sitting watching t.v-feeling perfectly fine, but sometimes throughout the show i would get the feeling i get when my anxietys about to come, but i got it to go away.

but then when my show was done i got up and started walking around and felt light headed, and i was like okay it will go away but then i started getting this pressure feeling on my head and it practically hurts to look around, the more i look at the more overwhelmed i feel-thus i get anxious. its the weirdest feeling! i cant look at much, it hurts and if i do i feel so small in my body, and everything just looks and feels different, and i get so confused and angsty!

it was so bad i sat down again to watch t.v, because i dont feel it when i focus on one thing. after 20 minutes i decided it must be gone and got up again and i walked away and it felt like i left my body at my chair! i felt like just this peice in my mind moving. i was so overwhelmed by this feeling i started getting a panick attack. i dont feel like this now but i still have this feeling where it hurts to look at a lot of things at once and light even hurts, so i end up just sitting in my bed with my eyes closed and shying away from everything, and i dont want to do this but not doing it makes me feel weird again. does anyone else experience this? is it maybe depersonalization or a hightened sense of awaaresness? help??!

30-09-08, 12:19
i do get this to monika,I tend to look at it as a pressure head through stress.When i get up i get the stange feeling but only when im or have just been stressed.It can also be down to getting up to fast, i find get up a bit more slowly can help.your blood pressure fluxuates when your getting up and down and getting stressed can make it fluxuate a bit more but dont worry its not dangerous.Think of fainting being on the same lines just a bit more intense than standing and sitting down.Try to relax through it and it will pass hope this helps