View Full Version : One thing after another!(problems sleeping)

29-09-08, 05:46
hello i just got over one thing and now im having problems sleeping :weep: this is one of the worst things to me because sleeping is the only time i feel okay and now i cant even sleep properly!! i just got over one thing now i have this and ofcourse im stressing abit over it.. like i stress over everything else :mad: .. does anyone else ever have problems sleeping due to Anxiety or stress? i just want some comforting words because to me everytime somthing goes wrong it feels like the end of the world to me and i just stress and stress :weep: if there is anyone out there that has this problem please get back to me.

29-09-08, 07:06
Unfortunately, stress and anxiety go hand in hand with sleep problems. I can usually fall to sleep pretty easily but wake several times during the night. I then wake about 6am and get up even if I haven't got work!

The more you stress the worse it will become. What is your current bedtime routine? Have you considered herbal sleep aids at all?


29-09-08, 07:16
i dont know to much at all about sleep aids.. normaly i sleep a good 6 to 8 hours.. but the past 3 night i havent been sleeping that much at all i just cant get to sleep..im trying to sleep but i cant sleep.. im not sure what to do.. this isnt the first time this has happened.. it happens to me like maybe once every 2 months .. its very stressful and i get highly depressed :weep:

29-09-08, 07:43
If you google Herbal sleep aids you should find quite a few, most of which are available in supermarkets/chemists. I wont recomend any as they may not be available in Australia!


29-09-08, 15:12
thanks you replying to me kate *sigh* still abit stressfull :weep: