View Full Version : i think i had my first panic attack

29-09-08, 07:41
Hello, my name is rashelle and i am 20 years old. two nights ago i woke up from a dream seeing spots and i felt like my head was buzzing, since something did not feel right i went immediatly to my parents room but as i was walking in there i started to feel extreemly weird. i felt like i was watching myself crawl into bed beside my mom (and her boyfriend...AWKWARD!). i kept asking her if she felt me shaking and she said no but to me i thought i was having rapid small shakes everywhere, thats when eric said that he thinks im having a panic attack (but its strange because i didnt feel my heart pounding so it makes me think its something deadly instead), he said that my face was red and that i was breathing way to quickly. and he went and got me a paper bag to breath in. it was so scarry that i cant sleep well since then because im scarred ill wake up with the same darn feeling and that i wont be able to control it like i do when im awake. and since i havent seen a doctor yet because its still the weekend i keep thinking that i have some sort of medical thing wrong with me so i keep freaking out thinking that im going to die. im so nervous that i went to the bookstore and bought a book about panic attacks and how to solve them and i keep reading peoples storys to make me feel better. but let me tell you that i cannot get the thought that im dying out of my head. i wish i had already seen a doc. so they could tell me that i indeed did have a full blown attack instead of a brain tumor or heart disease or something.:scared15: is this normal to feel? is this how you feel when you have a panic attack or is it something worse?

29-09-08, 09:58
Hiia Rashelle
Stop worrying, this definately sounds like a panic attack. The first time i had one, I had those spots in front of my eyes too and I felt similar to how you describe yours.
Once you've seen your doctor, they will tell you they are just panic attacks and you can be reassured, but I don't think it's anything serious so try not to worry.:)
Take Care

29-09-08, 10:59
Hi Darling,

When I have had my panic attacks, I have had the tingling/buzzing feeling and my first one was in the middle of the night. I also don't get a pounding heart so you aren't alone there.

Please do go to the doctor for a checkover/reassurance.

Panic attacks are scary, so take care of yourself.

29-09-08, 11:26
Hi rashelle, sounds like you might have been hyperventilating, which is basically breathing too much. This can make your hands and feet tingle, make you see spots and feel lightheaded. Like Samantha says, it's probably a good idea to get yourself checked over by a doctor. But it sounds like classic panic attack. Were you worried or upset by anything before the attack? Hope you are able to relax and feel better soon :).

29-09-08, 16:47
thank you so much for your replies, its also really reassuring to know that im not the only one to not feel the pounding heart. and i have been supper stressed out for a while but i had no idea that this could happen. i didnt think it would. and it felt so terrible that i just thought that that was going to be my last few moments alive liying there next to my mom. it was super scary.