View Full Version : no more panic attacks but terrible anxiety

29-09-08, 10:24
hi, im 23 years old and new to this forum. I started having panic attacks in march this year after a few months of awful events (my partner got sent to prison). I think they started due to the fact that i wasnt used to living by myself and was so lonely and scared at night time that i wouldnt go to bed. I ended up going for hypnotherapy after i couldnt take anymore and thought i was going insane, and all my gp did was prescribe me propranalol. Since finishing my therapy i havent had a full blown panic attack, as i know how to control them now. I was doing ok for a few weeks and so decided to come off propranalol, which was the biggest mistake ever. My heart would thump in my chest so much that it hurt and id eventually have to take 10mg of propranalol to calm myself. This went on for about 2 weeks and so ive decided that i will have to stay on the medication for the time being. Now i feel like im back to square one. Although im not having PA's im constantly on edge, and miss my partner so much its so hard : ( . Its mainly at night that im anxious, when im in bed alone, i was used to having him there to protect me, and think 'what if i died in my sleep and he isnt here', silly i know but thats anxiety for u! Lately i have been having weird thoughts.... im obsessed with dying/death, or i keep thinking im going to go blind or have a terrible illness......i feel like im going insane! I have been back to see my gp a few times but all he says it that im far too young and healthy to have anything wrong with me and gives me more propranalol. Ive been so sick since the anxiety started....ive had tonsilitis, sinusitis, i get bad headaches everyday, ive been in hospital with inflamed lining of the stomach the list goes on. Is it more common to get ill when ur anxious? I just dont know what else to do. I hope that the anxiety disappears once my partner is released (november 2009), but im now thinking maybe i will be this way forever! I dont feel depressed but i wonder if theres any other medication apart from propranalol that may help me? any advice would be welcome

Veronica H
29-09-08, 20:51
hi Beachbunny
Sorry you are having such a hard time. The propranalol seems to take the panic away and leaves us with anxiety. I have 10mg of citalopram as well as propranalol each day which seems to keep me out of depression by lifting my mood a bit. Anxiety makes us tired and our immune systems suffer as a result. There is no way that you can live with this level of anxiety until 2009. Is there a support group anywhere for relatives of prisoners? I think you need to make some plans for yourself this year, and concentrate on reducing your anxiety. I would also recommend Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self help for your nerves', available from the NMP shop. I hope you feel better soon.


29-09-08, 22:12
What do you think brings on your anxiety? Fear of being alone, especially at night? Dodgy neighbourhood, scared of having a break-in?

Why not get a dog? Look in the phone book for your local animal rescue centre, and go take a look. Plenty of dogs need a good home, and you will get the companionship and protection.

Gotta be better than medication.

30-09-08, 13:09
hi , thanks for your responses. I have been thinking abut getting a dog, but it would be cruel as i am out all day at work so wouldnt be able to look after it properly! i dont live in a dodgy neighbourhood so am not scared about break ins etc, its just the fact that i am in bed alone, i worry that something might happen to me in the night and he isnt there to help. He calls me around 7pm then i cant speak to him until the next day, i think not knowing that he is ok makes me worry too.
I think i will have to go back to see my gp yet again as i feel im going round in circles. I really dont want to be on medication though, which is why i tried to stop taking it. My sister is supposed to be moving in with me , which will help with the mortgage and bills etc, which is one less thing to worry about!

The weird thing is that my partner is dealing with the situation much better than i am. He is the one who is in prison and im the one who is a nervous wreck!:noangel: