View Full Version : Head Zap/Brain Shiver

29-09-08, 12:38
After 8 months I am finally coming off the Citalopram.

My original dose was only 20mg, the doctor put me on 10mg for a week, then 10mg ever other day for a week.

The first week was alright, but this second week of pill every other day has uncovered a weird side effect. I am getting brain shivers really often, they aren't painful but are giving me a headache. Everytime i stand up, or turn my head quickly I get this jolt through my eyes and head.

Has anyone else had this, and does anyone know how long it will last?

Cheers, Angel x :noangel:

Veronica H
29-09-08, 21:00
Hi Lisa
My GP told me that the main reason that they wean people off of Citalopram rather than just stop it, is because in some cases people get the distressing side effect you mention, which he described as like a small electric shock running through the head. At least now you know it is a recognised side effect. I hope you feel better soon.


29-09-08, 23:23

I had this when i came off citalopram.

It will get better, it lasted a few weeks with me.

love mandie x

30-09-08, 08:21

Brain shivers, bran zaps - very very common when coming off ssris. I had it badly when coming off Seroxat and when I came off Duloxetine. It really is like an electric current running through your head like a zzzzzzzzzzz sensation. As I say extremely common.

Have to say, in my opinion you came off the med much too quickly - of course your gp would not agree with this - but gp's don't!!!!! Two weeks to come off an ssri you have been on for 8 months - it's ridiculous.

However, the brain shocks should only last a couple of weeks - if they don't then see your gp again.

Good luck.

02-10-08, 10:49
I thought what he was suggesting was too fast as well, but he insisted he was right. Doctors don't seem to know alot about anxiety and medications do they? Maybe that is just my experience of them. I am finding these brain zaps really tiring and really appreciate all your advice. Hopefully they won't last much longer! xxx