View Full Version : Ribs !!!

29-09-08, 13:52
Hi Everyone

I am new to this site been suffering with Anxiety for the past 3/4 months and i can honestly say i think i am starting to come out the other side - slowly. Anyway i was wondering if anyone suffers from Rib Pain ?? It feels like a burning and pain together, its on both sides but mainly on the right. Went to the Docs 3 weeks ago and she said that its Acid and gave me some Omeprozol (sorry not sure how to spell it) however this is defo not working. Its driving me mad i have it every day all day. Any advise would be fantastic

Lol x:yesyes:

Milo Girl
02-10-08, 12:49
Hi busybee. I totally sympathise with you. I do suffer from the most awful rib pain (always on the right side for me). Today I am suffering pretty badly from it. It tends to strike without warning and then I spend all the time trying to work out what I have done to trigger it off again. Have had all the usual tests - all come back negative. Am due to go on holiday in a couple of days so I think it is stress which is aggravating it again - trying to get everything ready!! It feels like a burning pain today but most of the time it is a dull ache occasionally getting sharper. I don't usually take anything for it apart from applying Deep Heat liberally at night and that seems to really help.

I really wish I knew exactly what is causing this pain/discomfort. I have suffered from it for nearly 18 months now. Started when I went back to work after having a year off (maternity leave).

Take care.

03-10-08, 13:29
hi busybee,
my pain is more central kind of where the ribs meet i guess, i find that muscle rubs really help too x

03-10-08, 18:00
Thanks for your replies guys - had i real bad week this week with the old anxiety. Went to the Docs on Monday and they have given me anti depressants that i am frightened to take due to there side effects but i think i am going to have to bite the bullet .... Doctor sent me to Hospital for an x ray on my chest / ribs and can you believe i have to wait 3 weeks for results - talk about adding to HA .... Today i have been shaking all day, very dizzy / light headed and generally felt like crap - oh well here is hoping tomorrow might be better - LOL x :blush: