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View Full Version : Difficult to cope with conversation

29-09-08, 14:00
Since my breakdown, I find it extremely difficult to process a lot of information at once, so keeping the conversation simple and to-the-point is more condusive to getting things understood.

Remember that telly program, The Generation Game, where at the end the winner had to remember as many things on the conveyor belt as possible? Well, that's how I feel when chatting to people, particularly 'er indoors.
I can cope with short to-and-fro chats, but when she rambles on for 10 mins, I end up forgetting what she was saying.

For example; "Do you want a cup of tea?" requires a simple "yes" or "no" answer, right? So when I ask 'er indoors that question, and she twitters on for 10 mins, I then forget whether she wants or cuppa or not, which makes me feel stressed, frustrated & irritable, I end up snapping at her, and we end up arguing and feeling miserable.

When I ask 'er indoors a simple question, and she tends to natter on, wander off-topic & ramble on for 10 mins, I feel overwhelmed at the barrage of noise/information, it frustrates me a lot and I become very stressed & irritated at the off-topic chatter (yeah I know to 'ordinary people' this is called 'conversation'), and I feel like screaming "JUST ANSWER THE FLAMIN' QUESTION, YES OR NO!!!"...... which end up making us both upset.

Does anyone else find their attention-span & ability to deal with listening to & processing lengthy one-sided conversations has been affected by their anxiety?

29-09-08, 14:09
yes sometimes I get quite irritated especially with the type of people whom are rambling on about their percieved problems I have a girl in work whom twitters on about not having the right shoes or handbag etc and she is always moaning about trivial things I do find it hard to keep up.

29-09-08, 14:22
I was the very same !!!! I would switch off if people didn't answer me in 4 words instead of 4 paragraphs.

For me it has gradually eased and I am more patient with everyone except my mother.. For some reason I still can not cope with her waffle. To me it's not conversation it is pointless noise. Arghhhhh

29-09-08, 14:29
Yep!! I Know exactly where you are coming from on this one!!

I am getting better now but I can't seem to concentrate if some talks for about more than 30 seconds.

I just hope no-one notices!!