View Full Version : I shouldn't need to worry yet but I do!

29-09-08, 14:14
Well long story short:

I take 20mg paroxetine, if I don't I am very very unwell, like resting pulse 138, can't eat, vomit have irrational thoughts and can't eat.

I wanted a baby, I came off and during the few months off I went back to being loopy, my husband didn't want me to go back on meds as he thought I could "get over it"

I now have an appointment to see an Ob with my husband to find out if paroxetine will be ok as all this media about defects is scaring my husband and i'm scared I won't be able to take it and be mentaly unwell.

My husband is still negative and I want to do whats right but i can't be insane.

Oh what if the Ob says no way and my husband will agree and then they all just expect me to Be ok off meds............................

I am getting silly now but I can't help but feel alone, oh meds gave me a life but I have to go insane to try and have a kid??? i can't go back to that state:weep: :lac:

29-09-08, 14:32
You shouldn't have too either. I am no expert but surely your being well is extremely important for both you and the baby both during pregnancy and immediately afterwards.

If they say you can't have the meds you are on can you discuss whether there are any others you could try?

29-09-08, 14:48
How difficult it must be for you trying to work this one out. Things will be made clearer once you see the Ob, and he can give you reliable information about all the options available to you, and you and your husband will be able to make informed choices. Meantime, until you see the Ob, try not to tangle your thoughts up with the 'what ifs', because until you see the specialist, you really don't know what is possible. All the very best. Rosie x x

29-09-08, 15:09
Thanks guys, paroxetine works so well for me, I still have worries as you can tell but no to the point of being a vegetable.

God I hope this goes :unsure: well

29-09-08, 15:54
i take paxel as well, i had started getting panic attacks while i was pregnant....and my doctor advised me that it would be ok to still take them, I chose not to.....(due to the fact that i am a constant worrier...) so instead i chose to do yoga and learn to calm myself much more then i would if i wasnt pregnant. i now have a healthy 26 month old son named jordan,...and the anxiety has been off and on now for 2 years again....but im back on paxel....and attending therapy!

I hope you figure it out, cause having a child is a blessing, and you have every right to enjoy motherhood., see what your ob says and take it one day at a time. good luck!!

29-09-08, 16:48
Thank you, I have had a few people on this site that have taken paroxetine during pregnancy and I am so happy that they had healthy happy babies.

I wish I could have their understanding Drs!!

I hope to goodness that this Ob next week understands and can educate my husband and myself further

02-10-08, 04:52
I had three very healthy babies while taking Paxil

02-10-08, 09:18
I had three very healthy babies while taking Paxil

Hey again, you gave me the best news ever when you told me your story, I have since called mother risk and they have also told me no problem!!! this appointment next week will be more for my hubby than anything,

So i'm hoping this ob wont say anything negative.

thank you so very much, thank you:D