View Full Version : Physical Checkup

29-09-08, 14:23
One of the things that bothered me when I first went to my GP to talk about getting help for my breakdown, was that no physical exam was ever done, and how easy it is to just get put on a course of very addictive pills.

How many people, when they first went to their GP and told about their anxiety/stress/depression, were given a physical checkup?

I mean, how many people did their GP check things like blood pressure, heartbeat, blood tests (to rule out diabetes), etc?

29-09-08, 14:33
Interesting point. I wasn't given a physical check up when seeing my doctor about depression/anxiety. I think it should be done as a matter or course - sometimes it is too easy to dish out the pills without looking a little deeper. I am sure some doctors are more thorough than others. I like the holistic approach, when all things are considered.

Cathy V
29-09-08, 14:38
Yes ive been lucky really, my docs have always checked me over and done blood tests etc. Can't always say ive believed them when the tests came back negative, but at least they do them.... C xxx

30-09-08, 10:55
Yeah, that's interesting, now that I think about it, when I went to see my doctor with stess/anxiety she didn't do any kind of physical exam at all, just talked to me about anti-anxiety drug treatments. When I've been in with what turned out to physical symptoms- but that could have been other things, like a thyroid problem - she weighed me, listened to my heart and lungs and took a bunch of blood tests. I hadn't thought about it before but perhaps many doctors take the anxiety/stress presentation at face value. Does seem odd that she didn't do any kind of physical. Hm.