View Full Version : 5 Element Acupuncture vs. Traditional for PTSD

27-05-05, 03:07
I don't know how prevalent acupuncture is in the UK, but here's my dilemma. My osteopath who has been treating me for PTSD and other health conditions for some time is pressing me to stop going for traditional acupuncture and switch to another practitioner (of my choice) who does 5 element acupuncture.

My osteopath had a patient with severe PTSD like me who went for 5 element acupuncture, and the osteopath said her recovery was miraculous. I have a very hard time with trust with new practitioners and sometimes stay way too long with one who is no longer a fit just because of familiarity. My current acupuncturist does not really get my PTSD and that has been an issue, though the work she is doing on me for other health issues is yielding slow but steady progress.

What also plays into the picture is that I never seem to fit the "norm" with drugs, surgeries, etc. Something that works great for someone else may not work for me at all.

My osteopath respects my fears about this but said to me again this week that he feels I could be doing so much better if I have the 5 element acupuncture.

I wonder, is it really the trust issue, or am I afraid to get well? Maybe I don't know who I'd be without health problems.

With summer approaching, I feel like I could switch to five element for the summer and just try it.

Any thoughts/experiences to share on this?


27-05-05, 11:23
I have never had acupuncture but I guess you have nothing to lose, right? If you don't feel any benefit from it, then you could always switch back..:D

29-05-05, 09:28
ask your existing practioner to recommend a 5 element one, as if he heard about this story 1st hand he will be a ble to find out who the practioner was. you should definately try it, as if something is working for you but you have some to then 'end of the road' with it in terms of results, then posibly a more in depth and specialised method would produce even more successful results. be aware though, that POSSIBLY it may be a way of your existing practioner relieving themselves of you as a patient. if indeed you stay ''to long'' with him/her, and he/she feels your treatment with them has achieved as much as possible then there could indeed be another message in there somewhere. either way, lisiten to what your practioner is saying, because one way or another they are telling you that they cannot help you any furhther.:)


10-06-05, 21:23
Hi seeking

I would love to know how accupunture can help PTSD.I to have ptsd and never thought of trying the needles for it ....has anyone else besides the one your osteopath spoke about recovered with accupunture?
But i know how hard it is trying to get help for this condition as there are things in life that change you for good no matter what you do to solve it...for example the death of someone you loved in tragic circumstances.
I have been seeing a therapist for nearly two years and i am not sure if a miracle is going to happen yet but i am going on with it as i see it as the only way to move on.
Anyway i did try faith healing once and i think it must of helped a bit as i am not so bad as i used to or it may just be that time is healing now..i just don't know.