View Full Version : What Am I To Do??????

29-09-08, 17:30
OK, to cut a long story short i have been seeing my best mates brother for a few months now and we haven't told her...simply because we didn't want to broadcast anything as we didn't no what was going on ourselves.

What started out as an innocent date to the cinema back last year before he traveled Australia for a year turned into spending evenings in with each other and talking everyday to one another....wishing as he worked away with his job full time we could spend more time together.

I have quite possibly been the unluckiest girl ever when it comes to dating men, always choosing the good lucking bad asses, so finding myself and Andy got on so well & liked each other a lot was a bonus & i for one was mega happy.
He was actually interested in my life & always told me how beautiful i was.....& not forgetting is quite possibly the funniest guy ever (and im well into humor i find it very attractive).

So what could go wrong.......

Well as i said my best mate didn't know & i started feeling mega bad about this but was so happy with the situation with Andy have never said anything to her... Andy came round for dinner last Sunday & we had the most amazing evening ever - it was lovely.
Over those next few days i was having a mega guilt trip & was being told off by my other best mate for not telling Amey what was going on ( but i hadn't as i didn't know how Andy really felt about me, ''WE HADN'T HAD THE TALK'') However i decided to call it a day with Andy as with my track history with men this could be going on until the cows came home....I was broken hearted. I was secretly hoping when i told him he would say OK lets make it official, but he didn't he just agreed with me & said we shouldn't hurt Amey your right....Not quite the response i wanted but hey i knew where i stood!!

I decided after much deliberation that i was going to tell her so i text her Sunday & we met up & went for a beer & i told her. She appeared to take it well & i was so relieved. However the next day she wasn't quite so happy & i was told that i had hurt her a lot by sneaking around with her brother!!!
Andy was also pretty p****d that i had told her which has now caused more hassle than i expected for both of us..

I have not only p****d my best mate off but i have also p****d the guy off i am potentially in love with

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29-09-08, 18:22
Nickie sweetheart

Ok firstly, it was her brother you were seeing, not her boyfriend. I hate to sound shallow but really, was it any of her business? OK i get the whole honesty between friends thing but like you said, you didn't want to tell anyone because you were unsure of how things were going to pan out. I can respect that gal.

Also, i hope the brother is getting the same attitude from his sister as you got because at the end of the day, he was part of the relationship, you didn't do it all on your own.

Give your mate some space hun as i'm sure she will come round and not want to lose your friendship.

P.s that was a s**t thing for him to do to you

Sorry your going through this gal! MEN :lac:

Love Lisa


29-09-08, 19:23
Nickie hun,
I totally agree with lisa, i have 3 brothers and its got nothing to do with me who they date or have dated. I remember one of my brothers dating a friend of mine and all i said to them both is if it all goes wrong don't expect me to take sides, as they were both dear to me, as it happens it did go wrong but they never did get me involved.

If this bloke thought so much of you hun, i would have expected him to tell his sis to butt out, in a nice way of course.

Maybe all it is with your friend, is she may be a little miffed because you didn't tell her, she would probably have felt like that with whoever you were dating.

Don't get too upset over it hun, all you did was date a guy.

di xx

29-09-08, 19:31
awww big:bighug1:

i dont think you have done anything wrong ,lisa is right it is nothing to do with his sister really and anyway you have told her now he should support you and she should get over it hun.
you sit back and let em deal with it you did nothing wrong

jodie x

29-09-08, 19:59
Hiya Hun Ive spoke 2 u about this but wanted 2 send u a big big hug m8y x:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxxxxxxxx
Love Titch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-09-08, 00:07
she is being selfish, she should be happy for you! i can see why you didn't her as you didn't even know yourself what was going on, wait for her to calm down and hopefully she'll see how happy you and her brother are

30-09-08, 10:41
Thanks guys

I do agree with you all i think she is being a bit of an arse myself! I hoped Andy would say that too but he didn't so i guess he enjoyed the secrecy of it all and doesn't like me enough to make it official. I am gutted...but i also feel a fool!

Amey will come round, she at least text me & thanked me for my flowers i sent her last night despite thinking she didn't deserve them really as i did nothing wrong.

I spoke in length to Andy yesterday on the phone about the situation and we both agreed it has all been taken way out of context etc by his sister. I told him Amey asked if i liked him & i told her i did and he the reply i got was oh OK.....again nothing back of how much he liked me!
He was more concerned who i had told about the situation & us. I got off the phone as was heartbroken as we ended the call by saying speak soon ...

Another one bites the dust!!!!!