View Full Version : i feel horrable please help !!

27-05-05, 09:08
hi everyone,
im having a bad morning, i woke up feeling negative,my head is swimming, like sort of fainty feeling, dizzy aswell, also my breathing is weird on and off making me panicky again, im even getting slight pins and needles in my left arm and hand, i keep getting mild pains over my left boob aswell, when is it going to end i seem to be getting worse,im so scared, im frightenend somethings going to happen to me again please help:(:(:(:(
sue x

27-05-05, 09:27
Hi Sue
sorry to hear you have woken to a bad day, try to remember that you have had days like this before and you will improve, can you manage to do some relaxation? or perhaps listen to some happy tunes, it might not be much but if i'm feeling the way you do i try to put on some music and sing loudly at the top of my voice, not good for the neighbours but hey who cares :D, we are all here to support you so chin up hun things will get better.

Take care
Sharon xxxxx

27-05-05, 09:34
Hi Sue

Sorry to hear you have woken like this. Hun it is anxiety and that brings along with it fear and being scared. But you will be okay, easier said than done i know, but remember you have felt like this before and it will pass.

Hear if you want to talk hun and it will get easier as the day progresses.

Take care,

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-05-05, 09:42
thanks sal,sharon,
i honestly feel like someuts going to happen, if i sit down or look down i feel funny, i feel like im going to pass out or someut it comes and goes, im so scared im on my own aswell, what if i do pass out or worse
luv suex

27-05-05, 09:48

You wont it is how we all feel in the midst of anxiety and panic attacks. Try to occupy your mind even if for a short time.

It will pass and you will get through this. I am here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-05-05, 10:01
thanks sal ,
im so scared, the symptoms are so physical, i feel like ill never get over this, the symptoms are def getting worse, i dont feel im in control anymore i know i go on about my breathing but its really worrying me i could be sat down watching tv or someut and its not right, but im def not hyperventilating, its just odd breathing patterns and its so blooming uncomftable, i know when im hyperventilating its that horrable out of breath feeling, the odd breathing i get dont seem to be connected,if you see what i mean, its so hard to explain the head funnyness almost makes me feel sick, but dont quite, its all so blooming scary
luv sue xx

27-05-05, 10:03

I just send u a PM. If you want to talk, im at home all day working at PC. Have you MSN, and i can chat away to you.

I understand exactly how you are feeling

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

27-05-05, 10:34
Hi Sue,

Just ready your post.....Try and stay calm and focus on somthing else...It will pass and you will be fine.

I know how you feel as its so scary but ut WILL get batter.

PM me if you wanna talk im online all day.

Tatty B xx

27-05-05, 11:15
hi Sue,

Try not to worry and distract yourself. You have felt like this before and nothing bad has happened then so it won't now. Try your best to calm down and enjoy something..

Sarah :D

27-05-05, 11:29
thanks guys,
i cant understand why it makes u physicly ill, im really fed up with it,. its hard not to think someuts going to happen cause of the horrible symptoms,
sue xx

27-05-05, 14:40
Sue, You can be shallow breathing which can be hyperventilating without seeming like it.

What do you actively do to actually help yourself during these rough moments ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

30-05-05, 18:00
Hi Sue

I had all this fear when my anxiety was on a high, i cried a lot thinking something was going to happen to me. but now my anxiety has gone i feel good, so nothing is going to happen to you. Its just nasty old anxiety trying to take over, try not to let it as it takes longer to go i know it's hard but i made sure it wasn't going to take over my life.

Just try and think positve if you can that it will go, it's going to take time but you will get there.

take care
linda xx

VaL 1975
30-05-05, 21:31
Hello Sue,

I know exactly how you feel. Since those are my exact daily feelings. I'm a 29 year old male and have been having this anxiety and panic atcks since October of last year.

Yesterday I went to fishing/camping (something I do to relax from the real world) I spoke to a man who is a Vietnam vet and he suffered from PTSD, I told him about my anxiety and his advice was "try to do a lot of right side of brain things" you know having a hobbie. Why dpn't you take this advice like I did?

Hope it helps!

VG Rivera

30-05-05, 23:26
Hi Sue

It is horrible but you do come through it hun and if you ever want to talk pm me and i will give you my number. You are not alone hun and never feel you are and we do understand exactly how you feel.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.