View Full Version : just a quick hello...

29-09-08, 20:22
Hi to all,
I'm Richard 36, from Halesowen, married with 2 children, love life but hate the feeling of dread from the moment i awake. It all started with a panic attack about 12 years ago, you know the one, the first one when i got my boss to rush me to hospital because i thought i was having a heart attack, frightening and a tad embarrassing! I thought i'd conquered it but it has come back and bit me on the bum, and am now back at square one. Still suffering with panic attacks but not as frequent and general anxiety, would love to hear from anyone really but also people who enjoy getting out for a beer, a game of golf, a run or used to like going to the footie (Villa fan, but don't let that put you off) but don't because of their panic.

Rich :D

29-09-08, 20:23

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

29-09-08, 20:44
Hi Rich, Im also Richard from Birmingham:D

Im 26 with one child:p

Welcome to the site Richard! Hope you get the support you need!!:)

29-09-08, 20:54
Hi Rich,

Im Marina and married to a Rich from birmingham :D

Hope you find this site as useful as I have

Best wishes

29-09-08, 20:57
Hey Richie

Welcome along!

Hope you find lots of help and advive.


29-09-08, 21:18
Hi Rich, i'm not a Richard and niether is my fella. I'm not Rich either! LOL

:welcome: to NMP.

29-09-08, 21:38
LOL guys:roflmao:

Lots if Richies from brummy land hehehe

Welcome again!!:welcome:

29-09-08, 21:52
welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful info, advice and support here.


29-09-08, 22:04
Cheers guys, thanks for the warm welcome!

30-09-08, 01:02
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
30-09-08, 19:18
we welcome you warmly to
no more panic

love milly xx :hugs: