View Full Version : Blood...?

29-09-08, 21:31
Hey people,
Today at work I threw up but blood came out instead of actual bile that I usually throw up, and I thought "Ok... that's wierd" and just was like yeah the problem will go away, then couple of hours later in my house again I run to the toilet and it's blood not bile...

Could this be serious...?

29-09-08, 21:38
I'm curious... You were actually vomiting blood at work today, and post at 9:30 pm on a anxiety forum about it????
Why didn't you go to see a doctor earlier today, or at least phone NHS direct????

29-09-08, 21:44

firstly why were u sick?? i went through a silly stage of making myself sick and this was happening to me.

it could be u were reaching to much and burst something, are u sure it was blood??

leanne xx

29-09-08, 22:06
it sounds like you are regularly throwing up - you need to get to a doc about that, and the fact you threw up and poohed blood.

29-09-08, 22:17
In response to Kendo, I didn't get any help because after I threw up the blood I didn't after a while till I got home and hours later I did it again, I don't know if it's serious or not so I left it. I just want to find out if people have had similar things happen to them and it stopped after a while.

to Leanne, I'm pretty sure it is blood because it's red but its kind of gooey aswell like the bile I throw up but its not yellow its red so i don't understand it really, dont understand my body at all

29-09-08, 22:32
Are you serious?? A quick google search on "vomiting blood" gives some interesting information.

There are various causes of vomiting blood, and many are very serious. Consult your doctor immediately if you notice blood in your vomit or begin vomiting blood. These symptoms may indicate a serious problem that needs urgent treatment. Hematemesis is treated as a medical emergency. Call your doctor or go to the emergency room if vomiting of blood occurs -- this requires immediate medical evaluation..

You need to get to a hospital (or at least phone NHS Direct for their recommendation) NOW!

Cathy V
29-09-08, 23:34
Vomiting on a regualr basis can be sometimes put down to a symptom of anxiety...bringing up blood is not normal. If you vomit up bile on a regualr basis then the wretching may have burst a small blood vessel in your throat or osophagus. Why do you regualrly bring up bile though?

30-09-08, 00:09
Hi there

A year ago i was coughing due to a throat tickle and acid and starting vomiting, i noticed blood in my vomit and was taken to hospital, it can be a sign of a serious problem like a burst stomach ulcer. I was kept in for a few days on a drip. then i had to have a endoscopy.

You must go to casualty immediatley...vomitting blood is dangerous but it may be just what i had which amounted to a bust vessel due to strain being sick, however dont take any chances!

good luck tracie x

30-09-08, 06:22
There is actual vomiting when the stomach evacuates it's contents and what people call vomiting when all it is is mucus and some food particles. Which was it and how much 'blood' was there?

Another question was it actually blood?

As most of you know I do not suffer from HA but I do have various illness which I am being treated for, one of which is diverticular disease.

This over the years has given me so many problems and I have been admitted into hospital more than once and put on a drip.

Anyway, although I do not trawl through my poo being a nurse makes me aware of anything that shouldn't be in it. Once I thought I saw some blood in it. I picked it up in some loo paper but couldn't see properly so I struggled to put my reading glasses on with one hand, as I flicked out the arm they fell in the loo so I had to put my hand down to fish them out.

One handed I rinsed them under the tap put them on only to find that the smear of blood was actually tomato skin!!!!:ohmy:

30-09-08, 11:12
Hi Hayley - did you talk to your doctor about your bile vomiting when you went to see him the other day? Constantly vomiting, and especially vomiting up bile on a regular basis, is not something that you should just put up with. Apart from anything else, vomiting all the time will dehydrate you, may be preventing you from absorbing nutrients from your food (which will make you weak and possibly sick) and vomit passing through your oesophagus and mouth all the time will irritate them, make them sore and may cause problems in those areas. I really think you should go and see a doctor as soon as possible to get help with the vomiting problem, A&E if you think that there may have been blood in your vomit.

30-09-08, 11:16
It could be something you ate like food colouring/pistachios can sometimes dye your sick but as others have suggested I think getting checked out is really important just to make sure. :)

30-09-08, 11:47
i agree with kendo go see a doctor as soon as possible... thats not a good sign.. :scared15:

30-09-08, 14:50
......wondering if Hayley did actually seek professional medical attention last night....

Has anyone heard from Hayley today?

30-09-08, 17:19
hiya hayley listen hun, u are very young and been through so so much for a young girl and if i remember rightly u said you dont eat much and u r pale and skinny etc, u must go and see doctor and get them to listen to u, if u are not eating much and sicking alot and theres nothing to come up then, sicking blood is really not a good sign.

i dont want to scare you i just want u to get yourself well matey, please let us know how u get on. xxx

Cathy V
30-09-08, 17:41
Ken, ive been on and off most of the day and havent seen her, maybe shell be along tonight to tell us how she is...xxx

01-10-08, 10:12
:weep: Hayley let us know when u get back plz ive been thinking about you.. i hope everything is okay