View Full Version : Help, back pain! Stress??

29-09-08, 23:35
Last Thursday (it's monday now, right?) I woke up with a terrible lower back pain that seemed to be muscular because it improved when I lay in certain positions.

I concluded that I must have "slept in a funny position" because after a couple of hours of gingerly moving around, it was better.

However, it's been mildly troubling me on and off since then, these past 3 days.

And right now, because I just had an evening that made me a bit stressed for a few reasons, and I've just come home, it hurts. Maybe because I'm not distracted???

I'm having a tooth out on Wednesday. I thought I was OK with this but actually today I've realised I'm scared about it, but I havn't thought about it (avoiding the thought) if that makes sense?

Also, new uni term started today and I'm stressed about that.

Also, my eating disorder (weird mixture of psychological stresses there, to put it briefly) is kicking off lately.

So I have a decent amount of stress, if stress can cause back pain, then that could definitely apply here, I'd have thought?

I did have a mild urine infection last week, but it doesn't sting anymore or look cloudy and my frequency is back to normal...so I don't THINK that is to do with the back pain, given that all my other urinary infection symptoms have gone..

although i hate UTIs so they cause me stress too!

Also...last thing, I promise...I've been on my exercise bike more than usual lately. Could I not be sitting on it properly?

(And I have IBS, am constipated right now, the joys!)

Any thoughts?
I get so worried I feel sick, then I think "i'm really ill! sickness and back pain!"...urgh..and then I get more pain, the more I think about it! How the heck does the mind do that?!?! its amazing in a WRONG kind of way

30-09-08, 08:55
You almost sound like you are answering your owns concerns! All the reasons you gave could be the culprit for your back pain! Sounds like you have a rough couple of weeks...thats enough to make anybody worry asnd make themselves feel ill, especially those of us with heightened states of anxiety, but I am sure your back pain is nothing serious, just you freaking out over it will make it seem like it is.
Hope you are feeling better?
Angie xx

30-09-08, 13:25
I felt better later in the evening when I spent time with my boyfriend who distracted me. And I have been fine today until now, when I'm sitting down with not much to do! argh! going to work soon though

:) thankyou for replying

30-09-08, 14:41
Yep thats when all my bad thoughts start spiralling out of control and drive myself insane....when I am sitting there with nothing better to do with myself. I am glad you are feeling better, just try to keep yourself busy
Angie x