View Full Version : Any ex or current rescuers with problems on here?

30-09-08, 00:32
My basic issue is posted under 'It was the cat' in introduce yourself. If anyone out there feels like a chat please feel free.


Cathy V
30-09-08, 00:50
Hi there Les, sorry i called you lisa on your other thread about the cat. When you say rescuer, do you mean as in 'air-sea', paramedic or just someone who was passing at the time...?

30-09-08, 01:00
Hi there Les, sorry i called you lisa on your other thread about the cat. When you say rescuer, do you mean as in 'air-sea', paramedic or just someone who was passing at the time...?

RAF Mountain Rescue, although I am sure that any kind or 'rescuer' could suffer from PTSD.


Cathy V
30-09-08, 01:05
Hey i'm impressed, although obviously it has made you ill so i wont be flippent. Sorry about your cat too. hope we can help in some way.

Best wishes
cathy xxx

30-09-08, 01:22
Thanks Cathy, I have heard it refered to as the invisible wound which applies to all mental health issues in my view. It has taken me a couple of days to pluck up the courage to post here but here I am. Nothing to be impressed about I was just in a certain place at a certain time. Thank you for your best wishes.



Cathy V
30-09-08, 01:30
Les keep posting, there are alot of good people here, who also suffer from PTSD so you will be able to share and get the help you need. You obviously cant sleep like one or two of tonight, well im an hour ahead actually so its nearly morning for me :)

I moved over here last summer to be with my new fella. Im from liverpool origionally and have suffered with anx on and off for many years. This forum has helped me put it all into perspective. Hope it helps you too.

Sleep well if you can xxx

30-09-08, 01:35
Les keep posting, there are alot of good people here, who also suffer from PTSD so you will be able to share and get the help you need. You obviously cant sleep like one or two of tonight, well im an hour ahead actually so its nearly morning for me :)

I moved over here last summer to be with my new fella. Im from liverpool origionally and have suffered with anx on and off for many years. This forum has helped me put it all into perspective. Hope it helps you too.

Sleep well if you can xxx

I'll try, goodnight Cathy.:)

Hope 2
30-09-08, 14:20
Hi Les

Glad you found nmp and posted. It helps to share things with others who understand.
I by no means can relate specifically to your issues ( I have ocd/depression) but wanted to say hi anyway. I am currently having counselling for memories that plague me from childhood. So although on a much smaller scale, I can relate a little perhaps to what it can be like to live with upsetting images and thoughts. I also have experience of medical environments, and am hoping to return one day.

Julia xx

30-09-08, 14:54
Hi Les

Glad you found nmp and posted. It helps to share things with others who understand.
I by no means can relate specifically to your issues ( I have ocd/depression) but wanted to say hi anyway. I am currently having counselling for memories that plague me from childhood. So although on a much smaller scale, I can relate a little perhaps to what it can be like to live with upsetting images and thoughts. I also have experience of medical environments, and am hoping to return one day.

Julia xx

Hi Hope 2,

Thank you for your empathy. I don't think that there are any higher or lower scales with our types of issue, the trauma may be different but the results are equal. I sincerely wish that your counselling is successful and that you become what you need to be.


Les Smith

30-09-08, 17:35
Hi Les,

Welcome to NMP, I have read your introduce yourselef thread and I am sorry that you had to experience such harrowing events. I am also sorry that you have recently lost your cat, I know I would be devastated if anything happened to my dog, animals are an important connection for us at times as we know there is no hidden agendas with them and their love is unconditional. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve for your lost pet, she/he was an important member of your family.

Your symptoms are classic PTSD and you are wired correctly; your brain just had to find a way of dealing with an abnormal situation. I hope that some form of treatment is soon put in place for you; although it sometimes takes a little trial and error until something helpful to the individual is found.

You are obviously a brave person to have had the occupation that you did and you will prevail I am sure in the battle with PTSD. I look forward to getting to know you better.

This site has been a godsend to me at times and I am sure it will provide you with the same friendship and support that it has me

Hugs to you


01-10-08, 14:42
Hi Les,

Welcome to NMP, I have read your introduce yourselef thread and I am sorry that you had to experience such harrowing events. I am also sorry that you have recently lost your cat, I know I would be devastated if anything happened to my dog, animals are an important connection for us at times as we know there is no hidden agendas with them and their love is unconditional. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve for your lost pet, she/he was an important member of your family.

Your symptoms are classic PTSD and you are wired correctly; your brain just had to find a way of dealing with an abnormal situation. I hope that some form of treatment is soon put in place for you; although it sometimes takes a little trial and error until something helpful to the individual is found.

You are obviously a brave person to have had the occupation that you did and you will prevail I am sure in the battle with PTSD. I look forward to getting to know you better.

This site has been a godsend to me at times and I am sure it will provide you with the same friendship and support that it has me

Hugs to you


Hi Lynnann,

Thank you for the hug, bravery is the wrong word, seeking adventure which turned into misadventure perhaps. I'm looking forward to assessment and then appropriate treatment but I'm also worried about the pain it will cause and different routes it will take. I will persevere and put this all into perspective. I need rest and respite from the symptoms and to get my feelings back into my life without them becoming overwealming and destructive.

My father was a coalminer and I often think of him walking the same route every working day for years and years to go down the mine at ungodly hours in the morning, that was bravery in my view.

You are right about animals, perhaps I found it easier to give and receive love with my cat than to other people and my self, she had a good life and survived to the ripe old age of 23. Perhaps she has taught me that I have unresolved issues regarding grief.

Regards and a hug of course


09-10-08, 01:03
Hi Les,

You were more than welcome to the hug, I think brave was the right word, there are lots of diffirent types of bravery, to be brave enough to seek adventure, to face the fact that you have PTSD, to post on here, to seek help, all of these things make you a brave person in my eyes.

Treatment can be painful and I understand why you are aprehensive however no pain no gain and the ultimate goal will be worth it, even a lessening in symptoms will be worth it.

I am glad that you feel that your father was a brave man and you have such an obvious respect for him, it shows that you are a thoughtful and compassionate person. Not knowing your father there is little else I can say.

I think with animals it is easier to love, 23yrs wow, she was obviously well cared for and I think she probably taught you more than you realise.

I think most of us have unresolved issues regarding grief, I know I have,
hopefully your treatment will look at these issues as well.

More hugs to you
