View Full Version : Last thread i promise

Skyline On Fire
30-09-08, 11:28
right basicaly... was completely terrified of tumor, doc says im okay just anxiety and tension etc... perscribes beta blockers, inderal-la to be specific. my headache has all but gone since yesterday, tiny tiny amounts compared to before, and no tension on my head and jaw as much either.

my question is.... is this the drug masking the symptoms of something? as in... can beta blockers mask headaches etc... or is it just my muscles relaxing and causing the headache to go? can beta blockers really mask symptoms of things at all?

thanks a lot.

30-09-08, 11:40
Hi skyline - I'm pretty sure all beta blockers do is block the action of adrenaline and other stress hormones. If your headaches were being caused by stress/anxiety as your doctor thinks, it would make sense that they would start to ease as the beta blockers blocked the action of the stress hormones in your system, don't you think? I know it's hard to let it go, but your headaches are the result of stress and anxiety. Try to think about something else for a while and see how you go. :)