View Full Version : is this the first time of panic????

30-09-08, 12:35
hi i was just wondering if any of you have suffered panic attacks and agrophobia before in life and got over it completely has anyone had it come back as bad as ever??? this is the third time in my life ive had pa and agrophobia im just wondering if this is the same for anyone else im a bit down to think that evry time in life when things are tough this is going to come rolling back with a vengance sorry to be so negative its just the way i am thinking!:blush:

lee xxx

Veronica H
30-09-08, 13:36
hi Lee
The PA's come back when our nerves have become sensitised again. I suppose the secret is to pick up the warning signs that the nerves are coming under strain before it all esculates and tips over into a crisis, but of course this is easier said than done. I hope you feel better soon.

30-09-08, 13:57
thanks veronica i knew they were coming back ive felt it for the last year coming back like bein at the top of a steep hill an know u are sliding down i just couldnt seem to stop well i hope im on my way back up now!!

lee xx

30-09-08, 14:04
Hi Lee, while i have had periods were i have not panicked or felt anxious i don't think i have ever got over them, i think they are going to be with me for life and sometimes they overwhelm me more than at others. I first started to have attacks in my early teens then had a good 4 years of being panic free years in my mid twenties, they then came back worse and carried on till my early thirties when i had another couple of panic free years. But 5 years ago they came back with a vengance and i am now agoraphobic and only leave the house with my husband or mom. While i would love to have a rest from them again it worries me how bad they could feel when they returned again and i now prefer to have the constant background anxiety that i have learned to live with than the complete out of control panic that comes out of nowhere at the start of each new episode. Coincidently i didn't have any panic attacks at all through the pregnancy or births of my 2 daughters and do think hormones play i big part in mine, i dread to think how i would have coped if i had been as i am now.

Jacqui xxx

30-09-08, 14:11
thanks jacq i know how you feel i had pa when i was 11 just for a short time then i was completely panic free for ten yrs then they came back after i had my third child and stayed till after i had my fifth child (five years ) i had hypnotherapy and they left completely again my gran died two yrs ago with me at her side and i also lost a close friend and another family member all in a short time and my pa ,agrophobia,ocd,and anxiety are all back with a vengance i should take hope from the fact i have beaten this before i suppose its just hard to see the bright side sometimes!

lee xxx

30-09-08, 14:43
I suppose in the back of my mind i have resigned myself to the fact that this is my future! I would never have imagined 20 years ago that i would still feel like this and would not have done any of the things that we had planned for our family. It is hard to imagine a positive future when i am constantly obsess about missing things like going shopping with my daughters for wedding dresses (let alone standing in the church), or being at the hospital if they decide to have children, and that is years away yet. It really scares me that i could miss so many major events and that they will resent me for it but i just can't see anyway back to a normal life after this long. I think this recent episode like yours came back after my grandad died with me at his side as he was the only one other than my hubbie who tried to understand how i felt and it bought home that one day i am going to be totally alone with this and i can't change it. God how depressing i am going to have to go and have a cuppa and a bit of choccie to cheer me up, bugger - i have got my first slimming world meet tonight as well.

30-09-08, 16:00
i understand totally how you feel but i was in the house for five yr and i did get out i should say that was six yrs ago so i had a four great yrs with no panic whatsoever and i didnt think then i would ever get back out in the world either and i did u could not keep me in so although i think again i will never be normal i do have hope as i have done it before so i should be able to again ( i hope) anyway i have just had chocolate and a latte which was delish at least your going to the meeting good luck

lee xxx

30-09-08, 17:20
Hi Leeg,
I've had panic attacks and agoraphobia for years. Sometimes it eases off and other times it gets worse.
It seems to get worse if I'm tired or if there's something on my mind, but I find now I understand it's causes it I don't get frightened of it so much.
Do you know what triggered this bout with you ?
I'm sure it would help if you found a cause for it, then perhaps it wouldn't be so frightening for you.
I've come to think of it as a nuisance I have to put up with for a time before it goes away again.
I'm sure it will be like that with you if you just accepted it as a nuisance.
All the best, Dave.

30-09-08, 18:07
thanks david i think this time it was being at my grans side as she passed away it totally freaked me out to see someone alive one minute then gone the next im terrified of death i have tried to overcome this fear i started taking my two dogs out at 10pm every night when everything is quiet and i felt safer in the dark well one night i met an older man in the park with his dog and minutes later he collapsed and died before the ambulance got to us despite my attempts to save him it just seems i cant escape it i thought of all the people to happen to why me????

lee xxx