View Full Version : fed up with anxiety

Simply Red
30-09-08, 12:43
I am so fed up with health anxiety ruling my life. I never know from day to day how i will feel and whether i'll be able to cope. when i am having good days and managing to ignore the anxiety i can think clearly and not worry about anything but then i have a bad day and everything is a problem and i feel so weak and helpless like a child. I feel angry with myself and get so sick of listening to myself moan to friends and family (i'm surprised they still listen). i have been given anti depressants by the doctor but i'm too scared of the side effects to take them am i just making things harder for myself?:shrug:
I have literally shouted at myself today (i am not mad i swear!) and told the anxiety to go away and leave me alone. I want the old me back who worried about real problems and sorted them out not hide in the corner scared of my own shadow. I feel so out of control and i don't like it, this anxiety WILL NOT beat me.

I feel SO much better for getting that off my chest!:yesyes:

Red xx

30-09-08, 12:49
well done red your not mad at all i often do this i was in a supermarket isle and i was starting to walk quickly to get out as panic kicked in and i just stopped right in the middle of the isle and said loudly NO:ohmy:i got some strange looks:whistles: anyway i said to myself im not gonne move an panic u are not gonne make me i picked up a yoghurt (i hate yoghurt) and started reading the label till it passed then i said see panic i told u i was not moving i have had it with you if i could of seen mr panic im sure i would of hit him:D
sometimes gettin angry an sayin bring it on works hope this helps!

lee xxx

Simply Red
30-09-08, 13:01
Hi Lee

Its nice to know i'm not alone!!

Take care
Red xx

30-09-08, 13:14

Sometimes shouting and really pushing yourself does help, at the moment I´m finding it difficult to motivate myself to do anything I wake up with the anxiety and just wish it would go away I think part of the getting better is accepting that the anxiety is there and a part of you, but its a horrible feeling I know. I feel completely empty inside and fed up with it all. but somehow we must keep going because one day we will all feel better and the more you beleive that the more it will happen.

My Girlfriends just gone to work and I´m left with another day of anxiety on my own - tempted to get back into beed but I dont think this helps in the end.

Keep the fight going

Dave X

30-09-08, 13:30
Hi Red,

I've had health anxiety for the past 16 years. Like you I have good times and bad times. The past year has been horrendously bad and I have lost my job due to my worries (I was a medical secretary believe it or not!). I saw a psychiatrist about 6 weeks ago and he wanted me to go on anti-depressants and diazepam. I decided that this was not a road I was willing to go down again and I said no. I think at this time I hit rock bottom and thought that my life would always be this way and I got so bloody angry that I decided to fight back. I saw my psychologist today who was amazed at how much better I looked and sounded (I haven't seen him for 4 months as he said I was too ill to treat). We discussed how I have changed, without medication or input from him, and we came to the conclusion that my brain and my body had just had enough and decided that now was the time that something needed to be done!

I'm still worrying about my heart (all the time) and other ailments and I know my anxiety will come and go but I just feel so much more positive. I hope to God that this good spell lasts but I'm not going to worry about it but just make the most of it. I may feel like c**p again tomorrow but I've had a good few weeks.

I hope this waffle makes sense, just wanted to say hi and hope you feel better.

JodieT xx

Simply Red
30-09-08, 13:36
Hi Dave,

Thanks so much for your reply. sorry you're not feeling so good. Don't go back to bed stay up have a shower put the radio on and have a sing (out loud mind you!) keep yourself busy even if its just at the computer. I find it hard on my own all day when hubby is at work and the kids are at school but i just try to keep busy.

Take care flower,

Red xx

30-09-08, 14:16
it is hard i am too in the house all day on my own but ive made myself a kind of schedule i put kids out to school ,have a shower,do some housework,come on here in between and then its lunchtime i tell myself thats half the day gone wont be long till everyone is home then i start making dinner and before i know it its school time try making yourself a schedule for the day the night before so you know what you want to do i hope this helps!

lee xxx

30-09-08, 21:45

I think a schedule is a good Idea I´ve tried it before but sometimes the anxiety just takes over me - I feel so dizzy all the time that doing anything seems like an effort - I´ve got a rowing machine which I do use but it makes me feel worse!!! but I guess I should stick with it - I do, do the cleaning washing e.t.c and I make the dinner for when my girlfriend gets in (what a role reversal eh!) but I dont enjoy doing anything like I used to. I´m a trained artist something I used to love I´m just not interested anymore same with the cooking - first thing in the morning I wake up cant breath and the day goes downhill from there :weep:

I know in the long run the only way to get better is to work through it and try and get back to some sort of normality though.

Before all this happened I was so outgoing and sociable I didnt have a care in the world - my mum died on a phychiatric ward so I´m terrified that it runs in the family.

I´ll keep fighting somehow though - I dont fear dying or anything like that I know theres nothing physically wrong with me - god knows I´ve had every test their is apart from a brain scan!

I promised myself I would give up smoking last week (I only smoke about 10 a day) managed 2 days using the nicorette gum but then gave up although I´m breaking the ends off so I smoke less!!! I´m hoping that my breathing will be a little better if I stop.

30-09-08, 21:52
I know exactly what you mean... im scared of everything im think to myself im soo young i should be out there having a laugh...you know theres stuff out there that you want to do but the lovely anxiety stops you from being who you really are..its sooo annoying...and welldone for getting it of your chest helps alot...sometimes just wanna scream lol...anyway good luck for the future...here if you need a chat..xxx:hugs: :bighug1: