View Full Version : Fear of Parkinsons

30-09-08, 12:56
Hey guys
Well after months of feeling ok i am seem to be back at square one and am now thinking i have Parkinsons diesase. I have got twitching all over and it feels like i'm shaking- my mum said that she couldn't see it. Also i googled despite not having done that for ages and discovered that it could be PD!! i don't have a tremor but have stillconvinced myself that i have it. Even though a year ago my doctor said that he couldn't find anything neurologically wrong with me. The twitching is driving me mad and i read that it is due to the basal ganglia part of your brain which also relates to Parkinsons.
I am too afraid to go back to the doctors in case he says its true. ahhhh!!! I'm not sure why i'm posting either- its that reassurance thing isn't it?!
Other people dont really understand do they? Sorry for the long post!

30-09-08, 13:38
Well teabag, it could be PD......................panic disorder!! Go to the doctors, and tell them your fears! Im sure they will put your mind at rest!

I get twitching and palpatations, and I have anxiety, why do you think your any different???