View Full Version : Wisdom tooth out tomorrow..

30-09-08, 13:29
I got an infection in my lower left wisdom tooth 2 months ago, that cleared up with antibiotics. My dentist at the time recommended I had the opposite TOP one out, as he thought it was causing my lower one problems. Well..I thought that was weird. But the infection cleared up and I've had no worries with it since.

However, 2 weeks ago I got another infection, but this time the lower RIGHT hand side! Went to my new dentist, gave me antibiotics..but they didn't work, has less swelling but the tooth wasn't happy.

So I'm having it out tomorrow : S

The good news is (I was offered deeper sedation in hospital, but declined because hospital makes me more anxious, and I puke after anything heavier than local anaesthetic, and I'm a control freak and like to "Know what's going on") it should only take 20 mins at the dentist, from start to finish, under local anaesthetic.

The bad news is...I'm nervous anyway. My dentist is nice, she's sympathetic. But I'm a bit scared!

Anyone else had wisdom tooth out under local?

Apparantly it's all painful/sore for 24-48hrs afterwards, can only eat soft foods etc..I'm just not loooking forward to it


30-09-08, 13:34
oooh ALS, I have a problem with my bottom wisdom tooth, its growing sidewards into my other teeth, and the dentist says, that if I dont have it removed, my bottom teeth will all get over crowded, and possible rot a few of my teeth, that was two years ago,... I was told I needed a general anastetic, and that terrifies me!!!!

but its causing me problems now, and I need to sort it!

I hope everything goes well tomorrow, let us know, cos, I need someone to tell me its ok!! lol

30-09-08, 14:36
Hi There

30-09-08, 14:40
Hi There
I have had a couple of teeth out in the past and its fineCurrently I am waiting to go to an NHS treatment centre as my dentist is sending me there to have 13 teeth out under sedationI have been told that when sedated you are not asleep and you are aware of whats going on you just dont care!!!Its a good idea to sort it out asap otherwise you will end up like me......Ive not had solid food for 2 months now and its no fun!!Good luck and let us know how it goes.....you will be fineKaz x x x

30-09-08, 16:17
I had a wisdom tooth out in April and worked myself up in to a right old state over it - with hindsight I can see how totally uneccessary that was!!!

It took no more than a few minutes and I didn't feel a thing. It took a couple of weeks to heal getting better day by day - I ate very soft food the first couple of days and after the first day did as my dentist advised and rinsed my mouth with salt water a few times a day to keep it clean.

Now I've had a tooth out I won't be so scared if I ever have to have another one done.

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-09-08, 19:31
thankyou thankyou thankyou

I think I'm more afraid of it bleeding afterwards and not stopping than the extraction itself... That would be bad.

30-09-08, 19:34
Hi there

I had my wisdom teeth out way back in the olden days when hospital wasnt even an option! Lol....Never felt a thing and all was fine after.

Good luck hun, you'll be just fine

Love Lisa

30-09-08, 22:32
thankyou thankyou thankyou

I think I'm more afraid of it bleeding afterwards and not stopping than the extraction itself... That would be bad.

Yes this was one of my big fears too but the amount of blood really wasn't that much and I tutted to myself afterwards for getting in such a stupid tizzy - honestly the pictures I put in my head of the whole procedure would have done a hammer house horror movie credit lol!!! :blush: :lac:

My dentist put a small pad on it and asked me to keep it there for 15 mins and let me sit in the little conservatory to get myself together. I've always wondered why people speak all muffly at the reception desk on the way out and now I know its cos they have a pad clenched there and I have to say none of them look like they made a drama out of it the way I did!!

When I look back now it wasn't the wisdom tooth procedure, or healing that was the problem, it was my overactive imagination - I spent the following few weeks recovering from the anxiety of it which was totally self inflicted. :lac:

On the plus side though it has improved my confidence on a few different levels and taught me to try and deal with things as they really are, not how I imagine them to be! Things are very rarely as scary in practice as they are in our heads.

Hey I even kept the tooth and look at it now and again to remind myself of the above!!!

Love Piglet (the drama pig) :flowers:

30-09-08, 22:39
the drama pig! lol.

thankyou all for reassurance...my boyfriend will be with me so that'll help


30-09-08, 22:49
I was put on hospital waiting list for wisdom teeth out, many many years ago,when lists were about six months at least, but during the wait I got an abcess and to cut a long story short I ended up having them all out in the dentist chair under local, I have a dental phobia, but this was OK, then about 10 years ago I got another abcess and ended up having one out under sedation as they could not numb it,this was interesting, as i remember saying afterwards how come it came out in 4 bits, and they asked me how I knew, If id felt it, I hadnt but knew it came out in 4 bits.
I wouldnt describe the feeling as painful, just odd, last year I overcame my life time phobia and had all my top teeth out, I had them all out and false ones in, I then chose to eat crackers as I dont eat sweet things, it was strange and odd feeling.
I hope all goes well for you.xxxx