View Full Version : tongue cancer fear

30-09-08, 13:46
hey, sorry for posting so much lately but my anxiety seems to be so bad at the moment and i am worrying about everything. the things is i have a spot on my tongue which is on the bottom of tongue and quite far back of tongue. i also bit my tongue yesterday which has my tongue feel more sore than it did. plus one side of my tongue look quite a white colour. do you think this could be tongue cancer? please help, i'm getting in quite a panic over this.
Please reply
Luv Louise

30-09-08, 14:02
No need to apologise about posting, that's what we're all here for!

Can't comment directly on your sore spot, but the general advice I've heard is that anything which isn't healing after 14 days should be checked out by a doctor or dentist. Try not to worry about it too much as that'll make you feel run down which tends to exacerbate some problems such as mouth ulcers. I get them quite frequently myself, so these days I use Corsodyl Daily Defence mouthwash which seems to help and isn't too harsh like some mouthwashes.

And try to relax:flowers:

30-09-08, 17:00
i'm trying so hard not to worry about this but i can't stop thinking about the fact that this could be cancer. any advice to stop worrying?
luv louise

30-09-08, 17:43
Probably just a ulcer. They are quite common, especially if you are a bit run-down.

An anti-septic mouthwas (or gargle with warm salty water) usually clears them up in a few days.

If you're worried, see your GP.,

01-10-08, 02:28
hey, can you get ulcers on your tongue?

01-10-08, 02:50
Definitely. I get ulcers quite a lot, on my tongue as much as anywhere - top, sides, back and underneath. They usually get more whitish and widen out as they develop. Sometimes the area irritated by the ulcer can be quite big, even though the ulcer itself is small - that might be why the side of your tongue that has the ulcer looks a bit different. Sometimes pretty much my whole tongue hurts even though it's just one little ulcer. Rinsing with warm salt water is the thing I always use, and paracetemol if it's in a really awkward spot and is hurting while I'm trying to get to sleep. Don't worry, it should go away in a week or so. :)