View Full Version : 2 More strokes

Ian Scott
30-09-08, 13:57
Oh my God,
I first posted on this site about 9 days ago having just been discharged from Wythenshawe hospital(Manchester) having had two (infarct) strokes and typically not just pass out and come round type strokes but wrythe in agony getting 1ooo's of volts down the left hand side of your body type.I was told by a DR ED GAMBLE consultant on ward f4 that they could find no cause and they had been a freak event go home and be re-assured I would probrably never have another stroke.....................Here I am in Warrington hospital having had two more strokes saturday .
Yes I'm anxious but very ill as well so thankyou for your kind words last week but I probrably shant post again..............keep eachother strong ..........nic has given you all a good tool,use it.


30-09-08, 14:23

I am sorry this has happened to you and i really hope they get to the bottom of it as soon as possible for you.

I wish you a speedy recovery and take good care of yourself

Love Lisa


30-09-08, 14:28
Hi Ian,

So sorry you are having such a bad time of it - it must be an awful worry for you and your family. Hopefully, with further investigations, the hospital will be able to determine a cause and treat accordingly. I hope when you feel able you will come back to the site. Meantime, all the very best.


30-09-08, 14:30
hiya and i am very sorry to hear wots happend to u, i really hope they sort u out soon and properly and that u are better soon.

hugs and we are here if u need any support xxxx

Hope 2
30-09-08, 14:32
Hi Ian

Very sorry to hear this. I am sure you feel angry and let down by the hospital. I hope this time they can give you some answers/treatment.

Best Wishes
Hope xx

ps I am not sure it's fair to post the consultants name on a public forum :)

30-09-08, 14:51

You really are going through a s**t time aren't u? As much as being in Hospital is crap its where you need to be for them to determine the nature of your strokes.. Persevere & try as much as possible to relax....easier said than done i know!
I wish you every success in getting better & will be thinking of you!

Stay strong xxxx

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