View Full Version : good days & bad days!

donna lou
30-09-08, 14:42
hi everyone
i was just wondering if its normal when suffering from anxiety to have a really good day then next day you feel rubbish again?
ive been having really positive days feeling good & i finally went back to work yesterday i felt a bit lightheaded but really pleased i did it. i have a day off today & i feel really down, dizzy & tired. i seem to have a pattern of having a good day then a really bad day, don't feel i'll ever be normal!

30-09-08, 15:06
Yes... I find that if I have had a day where I achieved something ( e.g. a longtrain journey/big meeting etc) then the following day I'd be low.

I found trying to ensure I had some 'me' time to relax after any big or new things happening did help and to accept that low days do happen.

So I think it must be pretty normal!

Well done on returning back to work yesterday - that is a real biggie so don't be hard on yourself. Can you go back gradually and build up your hours?

30-09-08, 16:08
Hey Donna,

That pretty normal for everyone, it is just heightened for us anxiety sufferers.

I had a doctor years ago before all this started with me who used to say that stress always gets you afterwards, never at the time.

You went back to work, did OK (stressfull situation?) and then the next day you crashed a bit. That is so normal, you are just feeling it a bit more than someone else might. When you have a good day and then don't feel so good the next day you are gonna feel worse than you really do because you remember the good day yesterday, if that makes any sort of sense!!! (I know what I mean I think!!!)

Just measure your improvement in months and weeks not day by day, it works for me :)

donna lou
30-09-08, 16:41
thanks guys
it does make sense i suppose, i think i just try so hard not to think about being dizzy etc that it probably drains me the next day! the main thing is i actually made it back to work yeah! im gradually building my hours back up, im working again tomorrow & im already worrying about how im going to feel because ive had a bad day today. just wish i could turn my thoughts off for a day ha ha!

30-09-08, 17:23
Yes as with the others I have good and bad days. That's normal.
It's great you went back to work.

30-09-08, 17:46
Well done for getting back to work... great!

I also get some better days, and then all of a sudden I will get a physical symptoms that makes me get down again...thankfully, I can slowly see that I am getting less bad days than before. but when the bad days to happen, they make u feel awful.

30-09-08, 19:02
Hey Donna,

There are a few of us here who have just gone back to work. Well done for managing to get back. You will have good and bad days but the good days should outnumber the bad days soon. Try not to worry too much and take each day at a time. It is so easy to stress over what it gonna happen tomorrow but I probably won't happen anyway!!

I am building my hours up slowly as well and it is making it a lot easier. I am sure you will be OK.

PM me if you ever need a bit of encouragement!! :)