View Full Version : New song.please read.(its not about guys for once!)

The Fool
30-09-08, 14:50
this doesnt have a name yet,written today!

Everyone feels alone from time to time.
It's nothin strange just a part of life.
Watchin the rain pouring down outside your window.
Like the tears rolling down your face.
There's no need to be afraid,
It wont allways be this way.

There's a need shared between your heart and mine.
So much love left to give,
Yet its locked up inside.
So many dreams,its what keeps us alive.
Dont let them put you down,
dont be afraid to fly.

So here this is me,
Its all i can be.
Dont change who you are,
your so beautiful just belive it,
feel your living your life,alone and unloved.
one day thats gona change.
change only for good.

Standing here staring up at the sky,
you no they're out there,
staring up at the same stars as you.
help you to reach what you've never acheived,
just belive,
just belive.

So here this is me,
im all i can be.
Dont change who you are,
your so wonderful,just belive it.
feel your living your life,alone and unloved,
well one day its gona change.
change only for good.

all through life people let you down.
looking back wondering what went wrong,
its not always your fault,
things dont always happen for a reason.

look at you,standing there.
dont be afraid to look at the person inside.
dont hide away.

So here i am
this is me now,
dont go changing who you are,
your so beautiful,and you know it,
just belive it.
lifes allready changing before your eyes
changing for good.
only for good.

thanks for reading :)

charli x

30-09-08, 15:11
I love it hun, great song :) Really good, Charleh, really really good. And those lyrics, they were amazing and I think they will definately mean alot to people who read this!! :smile:

Lots of huggles and random cake and stuffs,


30-09-08, 15:43
Fab again charli.......really like the lyrics ....well done xx:yesyes:

Big Big hugs
Titchjd xxxxxxx

30-09-08, 16:14
Check you out Britney spears

The Fool
30-09-08, 16:16
haha britney spears pmsl

02-10-08, 14:56
teenie do you have music to go with the lyrics?

02-10-08, 15:03
I agree another good song...the lyrics are really good hun..well done...xxxxx:bighug1: :yahoo:

The Fool
02-10-08, 15:11
no pooh well i do inside my head lol but my dad is trying to organise music lessons for me so soon i will be able to put music with my songs.

02-10-08, 15:43
Another fab song Charli, the lyrics say alot and i think your dad is making a very wise decision about getting you music lessons. He probably see's it has an investment for his old age. LOL
(in other words 'he can see you have the potential to go far and hopefully make yourself alot of money')

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

02-10-08, 16:48
Have you ever read the book, As Simple As Snow? You remind me of the lead character, Anastasia. It is a cool book, but I haven't reached the end yet so I may be wrong. The song was good. keep writing.