View Full Version : why

celia davies
30-09-08, 16:48
Is this happening 2 me im so fed up now an ive got so much anger inside im trying 2 look normal to every1 i know but i just feel like giving up i feel like im stuck in a big black hole my boyfriend dosent understand he just keeps going out with his friends he gives me no surport ,sometimes i just want him 2 leave but then if he does go how would i cope if he got with some1 else an my son might miss him but im sick of being called weird an other names,ive no family here i just wish i had some1 2 hug an say its gonna be ok,health anxiety is probably saving me right now cause if i didnt have that i think this would be the end for me

30-09-08, 16:54
How old are you celia

celia davies
30-09-08, 16:55

30-09-08, 17:02
aww hiya hun, have u had any counselling? if not its a good idea, i had lots of anger inside me and i had some cbt and its really helped me.

i had no support years back when i had bad dep, anxiety, debt probs and hubby working all the time and i had 2 little boys to look after, no family etc.

but u can do it matey and get over it cos i did, it takes a lot of strength from within and like u all i wanted was a hug and someone to say it will b ok but i never got it and when i did it was from the wrong person.

i did it alone and so can u, i started exercising even though it was the worst thing ever and i hated it but within a month or so i was feeling so much better and positive and that was 7 yrs ago, i still walk loads now and it keeps me in good frame of mind.

just take little steps and u will get there, there is a good life waiting for u, u just got to reach out and get it. hugs to u and i here if u need me xxx

30-09-08, 17:02
Your not alone, most partners really find it hard to understand what you are going through, I have posted the same sort of message that you have.
Men get frustrated and cranky when they realise that they can't fix your problem straight away.

It's ok to be angry and frustrated I have been there too, have you seen a Dr or Phsychiatrist?

Maybe it is time for medication, I take medication and when you find the one that works for you after about 4 weeks you feel much better and you find that you have more coping skills, my suggestion to you is don't make any decisions until you feel better, unless you are in danger of any kind of course.

But you may need to sort out how you are feeling get back on track and then re asses your life, the world is your oyster and the uk is a free country so you can live the way you choose.

Seek some treatment straight away. good luck and you are not alone

celia davies
30-09-08, 17:16
Im taking 20mg of citalophram,my boyfriends always out with hes mates he dosnt work anymore our house needs decorating but he dont seem 2 care about anything but hiself an friends im always tryin 2 talk 2 him but he just goes mad i love him so much im lost just cant cope with this anymore

30-09-08, 17:23
mayb he is not helping your anxiety hun and just making it worse, i know this is so much easier said then done but why not make a list of the things u want from life etc and wot u can do to help this happen, mayb by taking little steps at a time and just focus on you, get your confidence back and self esteem higher and, find your strength and get yourself out of the hole u, u can doit matey please try cos life is worth living hun. xxxx

30-09-08, 17:27
I sympathise with you... I got really angry due to feeling helpless... but I've turned this anger into the driving force that I am using to help myself out of all this anxiety.

It's like when I was depressed about 10 years ago... it got to the stage where I became angry at the depression for ruling my life... and so i turned this anger towards the depression and became determined to beat it... and thanks to counselling and some life changes, I did it!

I hope that I can do the same with this anxiety...I'm on the way!

01-10-08, 08:59
How are you with your parents, relatives?
Is there somewhere you can stay for a little while, it may be a good idea for you and your boyf to have a break.

When you have some time to think you can decide if the life you have with him is really the life that you want.

There are numbers on the nhs website that offer free advice for people needing a little bit of positive help.

Perhaps Citoralapram is not for you, you may need to try another ssri ot diff anti d class.

What I do know is you only get one life and you need to summon up the guts to get what you want from it, if this guy is causing you grief and wont change and you can say that you have given him a fair chance than move on, my god you are soo very young.

celia davies
01-10-08, 17:39
My stepdad is in the force so they travel round with my brother an sister its so hard them not bein around i feel so alone
Me an my boyfriend have been 2 gether 5 years now he jst seems 2 have changed i keep thinking of the old him an dont want 2 let him go i love him with all my heart if i dont have him what 2 i have,i couldnt stand 2 c him with some1 else,i just wanna b normal ive had so many bad things happen 2 me in my life i thought a bit of happinees isnt much 2 ask xx

02-10-08, 09:22
You will know what's right, go back to the Drs and discuss how you are feeling, it just could be a change of meds that you need or an increase