View Full Version : Pain in Legs

27-05-05, 17:55
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted some peoples opinion on this.

I get very bad, dull ache pain in my left leg, sometimes in my arm. Ive had this symptoms for years...had tests etc...nothing seems to come up.

I was wondering if it is bad circulation...I am a smoker *tut* or could it be tension. If it were tension I was wondering why it would just affect my leg and arm on the left side.

It is really bad today...and being the anxious person I am Im now convinced myself its DVT...blood clot...or something else...I keep telling myself I have had this symptoms tons of times over the years and its nothing to worry about...but cause of this bl**dy anxiety its been running around in my head all day that its something worse!!

Any suggestions would be welcome.



27-05-05, 18:20
hi loopy,

I get the same thing in my left arm all the time. It comes and goes and is sometimes worse than other times. It used to scare me loads cos I was convinced that I had heart problems or cancer but since I realised that it's just anxiety, I hardly ever have it anymore. The trick is no learn how to not be scared of it and it will go..

Sarah :D

27-05-05, 18:41
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi loopy,

I get the same thing in my left arm all the time. It comes and goes and is sometimes worse than other times. It used to scare me loads cos I was convinced that I had heart problems or cancer but since I realised that it's just anxiety, I hardly ever have it anymore. The trick is no learn how to not be scared of it and it will go..

Sarah :D

<div align="right">Originally posted by seh1980 - 27 May 2005 : 18:20:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks Sarah,

Logically I KNOW it nothing bad, just the good old anxiety...but cause Ive had it best part of the day its started to make me anxious and then I get all worked up and now my breathing is bad *sigh*.

I hate anxiety.



27-05-05, 18:51
Hi Lopy,
i can almost guarantee this is anxiety related, it is so hard to convince ourselves at times (or most of the time!) if it was a dvt the symptoms would be more severe and not in your arm as well, try a nice relaxing bath, music, you know, anything to distract. As you say you have had it many times, and nothing more has come of it. take care and keep in touch xxxx

27-05-05, 18:59
Hi Loopy, I get strange feelings in my legs from the knee downwards usually, they are not always there but alwys come if Ive had a major panic and can take a while to go, days even, if you are not happy after the weekend why not go and be re assured at the drs, my gp seems happy for me to go for reassurance as often as I need it, not quite every day, take care, keep us posted, love Alexis.xxx

28-05-05, 00:52
Hi loopy,
i used to get a realy bad pain in my left leg, worried me for a long time untill i paid to go private to a doc who went through some histoy of health etc and long story short turned out to be the way i had been sitting for the past goodness knows how long, suffering from anxiety etc i had always sat with my knees bent up and scrunched close to my chest like a baby always scrunched up with fear basicly, once i started to sit differently the pain became less intence....sorry to waffle but could it have something to do with the way you sit, maybe watching TV, computer etc?......just a thought hun :o)

Sharon xxxxxx