View Full Version : Another one with ectopics

30-09-08, 21:59
Hi, I have lurked on here many times & gained much reassurance, as far back as 5 years ago when I started having ectopic beats. At that time it was all investigated & I was told they were harmless, I was getting one every 10 minutes or so.

However I gave birth to a baby boy in June & since then I am suffering dreadfully from these, I get 4 or 5 every single minute!! I'm finding them so hard to deal with. I know I've had problems with anxiety in the past but this time I feel like I wouldn't be anxious if I wasn't having them so often!

My gp is sending me for another 24 hour tape, for reassurance she said, as I'm getting them so often.

I suppose I'm just wondering is it ok to be having so many of these, I mean that amounts to thousands in a day! It really worries me that this time it is something serious.

I've also heard that after pregnancy hormonal changes can trigger these, if that's the case are they likely to settle down?

Sorry for all the questions I'm just so fed up with them, there are days I just can't relax & enjoy the time with my son because they won't let up.


01-10-08, 10:38
Hi, I'm bumping this up again as I haven't had any replies & would really appreciate someone's thoughts on this - has anyone else had ectopics as often as I'm getting them?!
Mel x

01-10-08, 10:51
Hi mel - I sometimes get ectopics a few times a day, not quite as often as you though. They are unpleasant, aren't they? It's so hard to rationalise - logically we know that they are harmless, that is the medical consensus, and we're all still here so they must be right :). But it's just such an odd feeling, and (I think) because our hearts are so utterly essential, and because we can't really control what they do, it's natural to be a bit weirded out and worried when they do something other than beat in a nice, regular rhythm.
Has your doctor mentioned anything about making sure you get enough potassium in your diet? I've read that low levels of potassium can increase the occurrance of ectopics. This might be just psychosomatic, but I do think that when I'm getting plenty of potassium - through bananas, avacados, tomatoes etc - that I don't get them as often. Probably can't hurt, anyway :). Hope the medical tests reassure you, too.

01-10-08, 11:30

i get ectopics and have had them for 10 years or maybe more now .
i have had them were they have been as bad as yours and got me so scared that i did not sleep hated going anywhere like holiday parties ect coz i know i would get them ,also after food they were really bad to .
i have had a lot of tests and scans and they tell me my heart is fine nothing wrong .
i was even in a&e one night when they were very bad and still they sent me home and said they will not harm you the worst thing about them is the feeling you get with them.
i am now lots better and find the more you panic about them the more they happen i know it is hard not to but i believe that is the key to living with them and them reducing .
i hope after your tests you find some peace from them as i know how they can affect your life

jodie xx

01-10-08, 12:40
Thanks so much for your replies, I know I've been here before (though I wasn't getting them so often) & I got over it then so the rational part of me says this is the same & just to carry on because they didn't harm me before & won't now. I think it's just because they're so often & continous, & like you both say it's the horrible feeling you get with them & the fact that we need our hearts to survive! I know I have to learn to accept them but it's so hard, even if they would just ease off a bit I think that would help.

Thanks for the tip re potassium, I had heard that before but it would be worth trying.
I just feel like even when I'm not noticing them they're always in the back of my mind, it's like you say Jodie, I wish I could find some peace, & be able to sit down & truly relax at the end of the day without them going mad!

Mel x

01-10-08, 22:46
I've had ectopics for past 25 years!! Fingers crossed since I found out about the potassium thing off a hospital Dr they are much better. I have had them even worse than you at the worst which would last for weeks on end I was getting an ectopic every 3rd beat and that is so horrible. I also have had all the tests - 24 hr ecg every 3 years and an echo about 7 yrs ago and all normal - well the ecg shows the ectopics which is great as then they can tell if its a harmless one or caused by something seriouos.

Your pregnancy hormones are almost certainly the cause of this flare up - eat a banana a day for a few weeks and see if theyimprove. Even ask your Dr to do a potassium test and if its 4 or below then you need to eat those bananas as this may be in normal range but in suseptible people like us this is too low.

02-10-08, 09:28
Hi countrygirl,

Wow 25 years, I think 5 years is bad enough! Yesterday was a bad day, I don't generally notice them too bad when I get up but as the day wears on they just get worse & worse, & sometimes I get runs of them too maybe 3 or 4 every 4 beats or so - I hate them so much!

I find myself constantly keeping busy so I won't notice them (not hard with a baby!) but then when he's asleep I'd love to sit back & relax & I just can't. I've just about had enough of them. It's exhausting me.

I will def try the bananas & maybe mention potassium test to dr, I just think they're sick of listening to me about these! It's so nice just to be able to type down how I feel to people who will understand.
Mel x

02-10-08, 09:33
Hiya hun
Yes I get them constantly Im having ECG again next week .....they are harmless just very very annoying I feel like Ive constantly got butterlies flutering in my heart ....even sitting relaxing they are there xx

Never feel like they sick of listening 2 u hun if u not happy u keep going bak until they give u something 2 control it becus I know how annoying they are xx

big hug m8y x
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-10-08, 12:54
Hi titchjd,

Looks like there are too many of us tortured by these horrible things!

Hopefully it won't be too long till I get my 24 hr tape, maybe I will learn to accept them better if I know for sure they are harmless. The thing is I am actually on 25mg Attenolol but it's making no difference whatsoever!
Mel x