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01-12-03, 15:54
How do you know if your kids are 'just being kids?' or if they may be prone to anxiety.

Reasons for asking are my 6 and a half year old keeps asking me What If? questions.
We were at a pantomime the other night and he kept saying things like 'What if the light falls on our heads'?
What if there is a fire and we can't get out?

he doesn't seem to get upset when asking these questions but there seems to be an awful lot of them !!

I'm not too concerned but your opinions would be appreciated


01-12-03, 16:49
I shouldn't be concerned, your son seems like a bright lad who's interested in the world around him. I would just always be reassuring in your answers.

Sara xx

01-12-03, 17:14
hi lucky,

hope you had a good weekend,

as sara says,he sounds like a bright young lad,destined to be a director of the health and safety executive,by the time hes twenty five.

hope you enjoyed the pantomime...bryan.

01-12-03, 21:46
Hi Lucky

Yeah he sounds like a normal inquisitive child to me - please don't worry too much eh?


02-12-03, 08:33
Thanks guys I thought he was just being a wee chatterbox but couldn't help but worrying. You have made me feel better

Brian - Director of Health and Safety! - Think I would still prefer a plumber or joiner!!
