View Full Version : Obsessed With Time, Speed Of

30-09-08, 22:44
This is a weird one. Well, it might not be, but I havn't read about it anywhere.

Essentially, I keep contemplating/meditating on "Time". How fast, or slow, it goes. This is nothing new to either scientists or non-scientists of course, we all know that time goes faster when you're enjoying yourself, and not when you're bored at work, for example.

But I keep obsessively thinking things like

"Wow, time seems so fluid, am I going mad?"
"Wow, it feels like tomorrow I'll be ninety at this rate, today has gone so quickly!"

Or the opposite..

"I honestly feel daunted at all the years ahead"
"How long will I keep patience with life?!?"

and generally..

"I'm doing THIS now...this morning I did THAT..and now it's all gone! Time...whoa"..

Honest, I've never done any kind of recreation drug. I do read a lot of Buddhist philosophy and have a tendency towards depression and HIGH anxiety, if that tells anyone anything?

Maybe it's related to one of my biggest anxieties..."I'm wasting my life!"

But it's so scary, feel like I'm losing life faster than other people :scared15: Am I going mad? Am I simply anxious? Do I just goddamn THINK TOO MUCH!?! (I have a new obsession every so often, it feels like)

30-09-08, 22:57
Tell me about it. I turned 50 today. Time has flown by.

Cathy V
30-09-08, 23:10
:D Sheryl...couldnt have put it better meself! xxxx

30-09-08, 23:43
There was an episode of Star Trek Next Gen, where Capt Picard gets knocked out on the Enterprise....and 'wakes up' in this rural village, on a planet, He marries, has children, grows old, watches his family & friends grow old & die, his children grow up, etc and 40 years passes, and he is an old man...... and then he awakens to find he is back on the USS.Enterprise & was only really unconscious for 20 mins, and the planet he 'lived on' had actually been destroyed 1,000 years previously.

It really made me think about the whole space-time continuum, and how a tortoise can live for 70 years, a dog live for 15 years, and a mayfly live it's whole life in 24-hours - yet which really has the longest life? Does the mayfly envy the dog for living longer? Does the dog envy the tortoise? Or does each just get on with doing their own thing, completely oblivious to the passing of time?

Sorry, what was the question???

01-10-08, 13:36
^ You think much like myself. Which weirdly, makes for a "good and comforting answer".

01-10-08, 20:06
I wonder if the sensation of time passing unusually fast or slow is a sort of derealisation thing. When I was a child (all the best anecdotes start that way, don't they, ha) I used to have a thing where I'd wake up in the night and feel that time had either sped up or slowed down. I could actually feel my body moving faster or slower, I'd wave my hand in front of my eyes and it would like it was in slow motion, or in a sped up film, depending on the night. It was weird.