View Full Version : Hey

01-10-08, 00:58
Hey guys you know you all said about side affects?
to tell you all the truth i've been on citlopram 4 a month and i've had no side effects at all and i've been drunk a few times and nothing happened.
But hey what do i say i must be the lucky one

01-10-08, 01:32
That is really lucky! When I went on mine I felt so out of it and ill it was unreal.

Are you finding it helps you?

01-10-08, 01:34
Good to hear no side effects but do be carefull when drinking alchol while on meds it has made me quite ill at times :(

01-10-08, 16:51
hiya tanya

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

milly jones
01-10-08, 17:42
welcome to nmp

hope u find help and support here

love milly xxx :flowers: