View Full Version : So...Amazed

01-10-08, 01:07
Hi Everyone
Im just sooo amazed of how many symptoms this anxitey can cause!!! its unreal i ave so many of the symptoms like alot of you people on here. . but it is really strange how it can cause so many symptoms.its just one big vicious circle but since ive been coming on here and speaking to alot of you people it has really helped as i dnt feel alone and im getting understanding about anxiety and how to treat it.You see when i was younger my dad had anxiety for many years and he went through all this and i remember seeing him having panic attacks going to A&E with him early hours of the morning cos he had nobody to help or support him as my mum didnt understand anxiety and what it could do to u thats y im soo glad for this site its ace.best site ever made.
My symptoms are as follows:
Chest pains, in breastbones,lft side mainly
memory loss
Fellings of unreality
fast heartbeats
muscle twitches
burning sensations frm nerves
Sweats, feeling cold then hot
Flutterings in stomach
My latest symptom is diffculty swallowing and when i do swallow i feel like theres somthink caught in my throat and feels like food wouldnt go dwn properly, but ive read lots of people reporting same probs wiv anxiety.
What other problems do people have id like to see wot sypmtoms everybody currently experience.????
You see when i was younger my dad had anxiety for many years and he went through all this and i remember seeing him having panic attacks going to A&E with him early hours of the morning cos he had nobody to help or support him as my mum didnt understand anxiety and what it could do to u but in the end he learned how to cope and he can now control his attacks and jus ride with them he swears by claire weekses books. thats y im soo glad for this site its ace.best site ever made.anxiety can b beaten and togethr we can do it together. Best Wishes Chantel
sorry for going on....:winks:

01-10-08, 01:14
HEY HUN!! i abolutly agree with you..its amazing all the symptoms it can causits so awful...but hey like you said we will get through this... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-10-08, 01:27
Hi all!!

Yeah it is strange all the symptoms anx causes. My worst symptoms where a tight 'band' around my head and a stomach ache down my left side. I was convinced the stomach pain could not be anx but after many many tests I started to realise it could be, and when the anx calmed doen so did the 'band' and the stomach ache. Another symptom that was weird was a bad toothach caused by me subconsiously grinding my teeth. So yeah I understand how there is some strange symptoms.