View Full Version : Hello - I am new

01-10-08, 09:02
Hi everyone

This seems like a great website. I think I might have had my first panic attack last night. I was just making my lunch for work today and then started crying and then things got really terrifying - I felt I could not breathe I seriously thought I was not going to be able to breathe and my throat felt liked it swelled up amd I couldnt swallow and my throat tensed up. I dont knwo if it was a panic attack asa it was really just that I couldnt breathe and felt panicy rather than the other symptoms. What do you guys think?

Sarah xxx

01-10-08, 09:05
hi sarah and welcome to nmp it certainly sounds like a pa do you usually suffer from anxiety? can u think of anything that triggered it?
well this site is great for advice an tips:welcome:

lee xx

01-10-08, 09:11
A Big :welcome: to NMP

This is a great site, and you'll find all the support you need, plus make a few friends.
You'll find plenty of people who suffer from the same sort of things, and sometimes just talking your worries through on the posts etc will make you feel much better.:)

01-10-08, 09:13
Thanks lee and nanny! No not really any triggers - that was the stange thing. However I am quite an anxious/worried person - especially at the moment. I have had counselling in past as things have been difficult in the past but was feeling lots better - basically normal and this came out of the blue.... I dont know if its maybe linked to being mildly depressed in the past or just a one off. It feels so helpfult get some advice from ppl who know what I mean - there is only so many info pages you can read on internet!

01-10-08, 09:14
Hi and welcome :)


01-10-08, 09:17
:yesyes: :yesyes: Welcome Sarah :yesyes: :yesyes:

01-10-08, 09:33
Doyou guys find that the symptoms last or get worse when you think about the pa? As I feel my throat tighteniong sitting here at work and I dont know what to do. I am really scared its going to happen again. I tried breathing but feel its too obvious. PLease help x

01-10-08, 09:40
Hi Sarah, I find that when I focus on my symptoms I start fighting them and worrying that someone will notice and when I start fighting them they get worse - I breathe harder, heart gets faster, palms start to sweat etc. Are you able to take a break at work? When I've started heading into panic attack at work I've taken an early/late lunch break and headed for the nearest park. Then I walk around until I start to feel a bit calmer. It usually works. Sometimes I'll call a friend or my mum on my mobile and talk to them while I walk around. Are you able to leave the office for half an hour or so? It might help. Hope you're feeling better soon, chuck. Let us know how you get on.

01-10-08, 11:09

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

01-10-08, 13:26
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to NMP!

You will finds lots of useful info, advice and support here!

milly jones
01-10-08, 17:48
welcome to nmp

hope u find help and support here

love milly xxx :flowers: