View Full Version : How can people be so horrible

01-10-08, 11:20
I am disgusted I have just been reading an article on Yahoo news about a poor 17 year old student who had climbed over the railings on top of a car park. While the negotiators were trying to talk the young man to come down several members of the crowd started to tell the youngster to jump.

How can people be so hurtful may be if they had not opened their mouths the negotiators may have saved the boy and got him the help he needed.

unfortunatly the man fell.

julie:mad: :weep:

01-10-08, 11:26
that is horrible but you know what goes around comes around and these people have to live with themselfs evry day knowing what they have done the world is not a nice place

lee xxx

01-10-08, 11:29
It is hard to imagine, isn't it. I think some people don't think through the consequences of their actions. Others just lack empathy and are callous. Also, people often behave in ways that they wouldn't normally in a group situation, that's often the case with bullying I think - people get "swept along" with the group. Seeing all the kind and empathetic here on NMP restores my faith in human nature though :).

Cathy V
01-10-08, 11:29
Yes i read the uk papers online every day and also read about this poor chap this morning, and was horrified....may he rest in peace.

01-10-08, 11:55
I hope awful things happen to the people who told him to jump.

Veronica H
01-10-08, 13:04
Hi Julie
I remember being upset some time ago to learn that a man had decided to hang himself and was talking to people on his web cam. After he died the police found that he had received many messages encouraging him to do this.These must be the same sort of morons I suppose.


01-10-08, 14:25
These fools will get theirs, everyone does in the end. :)

02-10-08, 09:10
I am from Derby....and this disgusted me so much, my brother was there when people were telling him to jump and he was disgusted and i read also on our local news site that people rushed to see his body, i mean what the ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! makes me ashamed to be from derby....

It made me ever so upset because how could you do that to somebody, where is their human compassion....he needed help, and he could of got it, he had so much to live for and its just so tragic :(


02-10-08, 10:09
Come on! Have pity on these morons. They do not have two braincells to rub together. They are the lowest form of parasite who have no other meaning on earth.