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View Full Version : Throat - OW!

01-10-08, 11:40
Does anyone else have a really sore throat after a panic attack? I had one (my first) last night and it was horrible. Felt like I could not breathe, catch my breath and seriously panicked. My partner managed to calm me down but throat was so tense and still is really really sore, I cant swallow properly and feels like something is stuck and that it is all swollen and I am scared that means it will happen again at work.

Update: found something on internet think i might have
Globus sensation anyone else suffer from this? Also sorry for asking all questions all the time but finding today really difficult and i scared about all this new stuff happening to me.

Any advice?

S xxx

01-10-08, 11:50
Hi Sarah,

I'm so sorry to hear you didn't have a good night last night, and I hope you're feeling a lot calmer now. Try to remember that when you have a panic attack certain parts of your body react very differently to how they would normally and that puts a lot of pressure on the tissues. If your breathing was out of sorts for a long period of time last night then your throat is probably just irritated and needs time to calm down too.

It's nothing to worry about and is just a reaction which will disappear quickly now that you are calm again. If you're still worrying about it this afternoon then perhaps make an appointment with the doctor just to reassure you further.

Take care! xx