View Full Version : on the mend

01-10-08, 11:52
hi everyone thought i would post here because have nt for a while

well i do think i am on the mend i have been going to exercise classes after school run in the morning and this seems to keep me going and motivated in the day

i am still not working but am starting to think about going back this totally overwhelmes me but i know i have to go back and not avoid it for too long

i am not sleeping very well at night going to bed early having a hot hollicks and usually get to sleep ok but the problem is waking up in panic mode with a fast heart beat why do we do this ???

i think the physical symptom of tingling is getting less and if i get it i try just accept it there in the back ground

i do worry about the fact that i appear so absent minded still cant beleive when some one asked where i live i forgot the name of the road and i called my nephew by a different name , this part of the anxiety really bothers me especially when i think about work , how will i be able to give advice and information when my brain is so slow .

what do i do please give me some answers

do i plunge back into work and hope for the best

or do i take more time off to rest and heal my mind

any ideas????????

lastly i have been thinkin about taking a supplement to help with concentration and brain thinking , has any one heard of anything , i was thinkin of something with vit b 's omega 3/6 but am worried this will interact with the citralapram

any ideas????

01-10-08, 12:28
hey becs try not give yourself such a hard time if u feel ready to go back to work then go but if not dont push yourself with regards to waking in the middle of the night try having an ipod or mp3 with some of your fav songs on beside you just put it on let that be your first thought when u wake wheres my ipod not how do i feel ! as for the lack of concentration i have it bad i forget if ive said something or if ive just thought about saying it and i look at people to see if they will answer when they dont i realise i havent said it:blush:as we heal this improves so dont push yourself and give yourself credit for what u have achieved keep up the exercise:yesyes:

lee xxx

01-10-08, 15:50
thankyou you are right i have moved on and made progress this is positive thankyou for i pod idea , hope your ok , becs

01-10-08, 16:19
no problem becs if it helps fantastic i t certainly helps me

lee xx

01-10-08, 16:22
whats that

01-10-08, 16:27
the ipod i keep it beside me and if i wake thats what i do i put it on to get me back to sleep

lee xxx