View Full Version : Well things can get worse!

01-10-08, 13:05
Hello everyone. i have been without the internet for about 5 days as i have moved house. Well i have been having the worst heavyness in my throat and top of my chest it makes me want to cough and they when i cough i cry because im scared its lung cancer. God have i been through to hell and back these past few days i litterally have let this anxiety take over and am convinced i am going to die. i went to the doctors this morning and he just again said its acid reflux but i wanted to scream at him and tell him im not having any symptoms. He said there is no way he is sending me for further exams such as an xray as thres no need- which i guess is good news. Is this heavy ness anxety realted. I know chest heavyness is but throat?


01-10-08, 13:52
Hi Tash, when i am having a bad day with anxiety it starts in my toes (numb with pins and needles), moves up my legs (which ache like mad), into my lower back (sharp pains), into my stomach and abdomen (aching and sickness), then into my chest (heavy and achey) up to my windpipe and throat (tightenings and contractions). It doesnt stop there, my heart goes doo lally wap and my head follows suit. I have terrible acid reflux and my chest and throat are so tight that i think it might close up. For many years i thought i was dying from cancer (and the rest) but after all these years i have had to accept that it is infact anxiety. Try not to worry, your doctor as given you reassurance, you need to sit down, put your feet up, listen to some relaxing music & switch off.

I know that it is easier said than done when anxiety has you in it's grip but you need to fight back and tell it that it is not welcome at this new house. x

01-10-08, 14:29
Please tash go back to the Dr and don't talk about your symptoms tell him you have anxiety and it's ruining you pregnancy and life at the moment.

Or go to your local hospital and speak to your local crisis team, they will treat you properly

01-10-08, 14:43
Hello everyone. i have been without the internet for about 5 days as i have moved house. Well i have been having the worst heavyness in my throat and top of my chest it makes me want to cough and they when i cough i cry because im scared its lung cancer. God have i been through to hell and back these past few days i litterally have let this anxiety take over and am convinced i am going to die. i went to the doctors this morning and he just again said its acid reflux but i wanted to scream at him and tell him im not having any symptoms. He said there is no way he is sending me for further exams such as an xray as thres no need- which i guess is good news. Is this heavy ness anxety realted. I know chest heavyness is but throat?


Did you have this problem before you moved house?

01-10-08, 15:24
Hi Guys / Joyce. The doctor i have been seeing regulary has been treating me for my anxiety. He is convinced that this is all hormone related as i wasnt like this before falling pregnant, he doesnt want to put me on Tablets or anything as he is convinced that in 3 months when i give birth i will be ok. He thinks this is my way of dealing with the life changing events and that i need to find a way of venting it. He is more than happy for me to go and see him as often as i need even if it is just to check my lungs etc. I do really trust his judgement but the anxiety monster tells me that he is dismissing me deep deep deep down i know he is probably right, i guess he would have to send me for an xray is there was a 1% chance of me having lung cancer ?

I said to him i am not the person i was and he said to me just to relax and remember that in 3 months i will have a baby in my arms and i will be back to the bubbly person i was, i am not at all convinced that my symptoms 'arnt real' but i think i make them worse by worrying.

01-10-08, 17:44
Hello Tash, Don't know if this will help but do you remember I was having the same trouble as you? Well I went back to the doc and she changed my acid reflux tablets. I feel a lot better now, hope you feel better soon. Lots of love Jane

02-10-08, 13:02
Hi Jane, thanks for your reply good to hear things are going well for you. Can i ask did you have a heavy, asthma feeling in your throat? This has lasted for about a week and the doc said its acid reflux but its so annoying. Everytime i feel it i need to cough a little and clear my throat, this never clears it and its driving me mad :(

02-10-08, 13:31
Your Dr should know that you are at a high risk of developing post natal depression, i owuld speak to your Ob and make sure your family keep an eye on you after birth.

I hope everything goes well for you.

02-10-08, 14:08
Oh God Joyce dont say that lol :D i dont want to be depressed after as well.

everyones saying that it will be worth it, and i know it will but i think this little boy is going to have to be an only child lol


02-10-08, 15:26
Sorry there, I don't want to be negative but luck does favour the prepared

My Doc warned me they I have a hight chance of post natal (my aussie Dr ) the UK one has no idea about anxiety or meds!!!

I guess I feel for you cos you should enjoy your pregnancy and be able to be happy and eat and laugh and cry and have everyone fuss over you.

I don't agree with your Dr making you go through it like this, it doesn't seem right some how. BUT i am not a Dr so I guess I should be quiet lol.

I am sorry if I scared you, cos once again I am not a Dr...... but ask your Ob anyway, next time ya there

Does anyone else agree or have an opinion, I feel a bit awful now

02-10-08, 16:49
Hi Joyce, i am only joking a few people have told me i need to be careful after the babys born. I really appreciate all your comments :) When i am being rational i dont agree that i should be going through this either, as you said i really want to enjoy this pregnancy and do all the things that pregnant woman do lol. I am overjoyed that i am pregnant its such a blessing and i cant wait to be a mum but its just how sad i am. I think the other problem is i have no one to talk to about it, my partner is 13 years older than me and is a little old fashioned and he just doesnt understand he just says hormones. God if i hear one more thing about hormones :D

Once again thanks for your comments, i have had the worst 4 days of my life but its my partners birthday today and i have had something to look forward to so thats helped to lift my mood slightly, however if i relapse i will be going straight to the doctors


02-10-08, 17:03
The further along you get in your pregnancy, the worse the acid reflux seems to get because the baby is expanding. I ate rolaids all through my pregnancy, but they have better antacids now. Hope you feel better soon.