View Full Version : Well, tooth extraction was failure!..

01-10-08, 13:19
...but not due to anxiety!

I went, and I was scared, and I admitted that. They gave the first local anaesthetic injection. It really really hurt, but I was told not to worry, to breathe etc (they were really nice, at least!) and it'd kick in..it didn't. Well, maybe 33% of it did, but barely. I was really not very numb at all.

Another injection (agonous)

Another one...

Basically, it wasn't really getting anywhere and after a couple of injections I started crying and getting into a bit of a state..it was a disaster.

I had numbing gel and everything, but it hardly made a difference, the injections HURT LIKE HELL, and only my tongue really numbed at all! No lip tingling, nothing.

I'm just one of those people with tricky nerves who have a hard time numbing, apparantly, so I'm being referred for IV sedation in hospital.

Which will be a laugh, I have minute veins and hardly any doctors or nurses (no joke) can ever stick anything in them!

o dear.

01-10-08, 13:29
You poor thing.I think the more tensed you are the more it hurts.Maybe it would be better to be sedated.:hugs: :hugs:

01-10-08, 13:34
Yeh, it sucked! And I didn't even get the payoff of being numb and having the tooth out. grrr.

thankyou for hugs :)

01-10-08, 13:55
Sorry you went through all that for nothing. Having it done under sedation will be much less stressful.

Anaesthetists are experienced at finding veins even in people where it is difficult to get them for blood tests so I am sure you will be fine.

Well done for going in spite of the anxiety :hugs:

Karen xx

01-10-08, 22:38
Well done for going:yesyes:

Hey we can be teeth buddies:hugs:

Im due to have 13 out under sedation:lac:

Lets help each other:yesyes:

Pm me if you like

Kaz x x x:hugs: