View Full Version : Heart flutters ..any1 else have them ?

01-10-08, 13:47
Hiya Folks .....

Want some advice please .

Since Sunday I have been having heart flutters ..not strong palps but constant fluttering feeling ....even when Im sitting relaxing they just come on ..I have had them constant 2 day .....What causes it ?

I did have ECG years ago and had an iregular beat but Dr said it wasn't anything that would cause me any probs and havent had any symptoms til now .

Im not sure it's anxiety related as have them when relaxed .

Thanx for reading xxx

01-10-08, 15:01
Hiya Hun

Yeah i do get them at times and know of lots of others on here who also do. Try not to worry about it as i'm sure it's the demon anxiety testing you again! Kick butt gal.

Love Lisa

01-10-08, 18:58
I experience that quite frequently. I believe it's quite common for us anxious folk.

It feels as if my heart literally skips a beat. I'm not sure whether it's the stress or the medication but either way I personally don't let it worry me because I've had tests and checks over the years and they've revealed nothing out of the ordinary.

There are so many things that can alter the way our body functions and responds: Diet; Hormones; Tiredness; and good old fashioned stress itself.

If you need to put your mind at ease it's a good idea to go back to your doctor to tell him of this change and ask if it's at all significant.

These two links, one from the British Heart Foundation (http://www.bhf.org.uk/living_with_heart_conditions/understanding_your_condition/types_of_heart_conditions/abnormal_heart_rhythms.aspx), the other from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palpitation), explain that in most cases it's probably nothing to be worried about. Worth a read to get a better understanding. As long as you're not a hypochondriac!

01-10-08, 19:05

yep i to get them have done for 10 years now.
at times they have been really bad and made me very scared but after having all the tests and having gone to the doc so many times i now try not to bother about them as the more you panic with them the more you get hun.
when they are bad go for a walk or have a cold drink is what i was told it dose work somtimes .

jodie xx

01-10-08, 19:13
Hi sammy

Honey heart flutters can be very worrying i understand. My knowledge having worked in cardiology for a while saw lots of admissions with cases of heart flutters. The general rule of thumb with them is they never usually cause any harm & usually disappear as mysteriously as they appeared.

A Lot of the time they are stress related & over usage of caffeine & tobacco makes them worse. I know your doc is doing an ECG for you next week but unfortunately if the flutter is not continuous then it is highly unlikely it wont be picked up so if this is the case you will be monitored with a 24hr tape which will take a recording of the hearts activity over that period- a lot more effective as i said due to the flutters irregularity.

Hopefully these will have disappeared before then tho & will clarify to you its just stress...

Hope your ok hun xxxxxxxxx

01-10-08, 21:46
Thanx every1 4 replies xxx

They dont worry me at all I know they are harmless they just annoy me as they are constant all day even when relaxed so thats why I wondered wether they anxiety related or not .

I have an ECG next week so that should answer my questionsx

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-10-08, 22:28
Hi titch,
I'm glad to hear you're having a trace done soon,It's easy for us all to put our symptoms down to anxiety,but we should never take chances specially with heart related symptoms.
The problem is everyones meaning of heart palpitations and flutters are different so it's important that they are assessed by a medically qualified person with the appropriate tests.
Good luck and God bless,

01-10-08, 22:34
Thanx Decca .....
I had ECG a few years ago and it found an irregularity which they said wasnt a prob unless they came back more severe which they have I havent had any probs for years but Sun they started agian and they back worse than ever its constant every day so hopefuly Tue will give me sum answers .

I totaly agree that when we have anxiety we put a lot of symptoms down 2 our anxiety but becus Im so used 2 my anxiety symptoms I also recognise sumthing that is different x

Thank you and god bless xx
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-10-08, 22:47
Hi titch,
I had something similar and put my heart probs down to anxiety for 18 months, in truth I guess I was lying and telling myself what I wanted to hear.
You are doing the right thing.
Let us now how you get on.

Take care.

02-10-08, 10:04
Hiya Folks .....

Want some advice please .

Since Sunday I have been having heart flutters ..not strong palps but constant fluttering feeling ....even when Im sitting relaxing they just come on ..I have had them constant 2 day .....What causes it ?

I did have ECG years ago and had an iregular beat but Dr said it wasn't anything that would cause me any probs and havent had any symptoms til now .

Im not sure it's anxiety related as have them when relaxed .

Thanx for reading xxx

yep i get them ,when relaxed and doing activity.trust me its anxiety related