View Full Version : My G.P has really upset me

28-05-05, 10:04
Hi all! I visited my G.P at the end of the week because i was having terrible side effects with the Escitalopram e.g couldnt think took me 15 mins to realise on wrong tv channel totally blank numb could stand to get washed until lunch etc. Anyway he said i was too sensitive to them and to stop taking them. But what really upset me was that i told him i was having like "brain cut outs " on and off all day ,as though i wasn't here. He then said it was psychosis meaning mad. The state i'm in it hasn't helped me at all infact i feel 1000 times worse. He did go onto say though it was the high Anxiety level that was 2 blame and i wasn't mad. I just can't let it go ;can someone maybe reassure me. Thankyou

28-05-05, 10:35
hi Suzuki,

It sounds like your GP just chose the wrong word. Meds can often make you feel completely out of it, especially at the beginning. This happens to all of us so you are not going mad. Please don't worry!!

Sarah :D

28-05-05, 10:58
Head zaps are normal when starting and coming off meds.

These SSRI's are mood and mind altering medications. Its not surprising that we feel so spaced out on them until they settle down and do their thing ..

Think he was very uninformed about the meds and didn't think carefully enough about exactly what he was saying.

You are not psychotic.


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-05-05, 15:08
Hi suzuki, sorry you feel disappointed by your gp, its a pity not everybody has gp like I do, he has probably realised too that that was the wrong word, he did go on to try to reassure you, probably said it without thinking, I was on the same meds and had to change so i hope you get some success too,
hope the posts you get here help to reassure you, take care, love Alexis