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View Full Version : Please help - throat issues

01-10-08, 16:05
Does anyone else have a really sore throat after a panic attack? I had a panic attack (my first) last night and it was horrible. Felt like I could not breathe, catch my breath and seriously panicked. My partner managed to calm me down but throat was so tense and still is really really sore.

Today I cant swallow properly and feels like something is stuck and all tense and like my throat is all swollen and closing up and I am scared of having another attack at work. I found something on internet think i might have
Globus sensation anyone else suffer from this? Also sorry for asking all questions all the time but finding today really difficult and i scared about all this new stuff happening to me.

Any advice?

S xxx

01-10-08, 16:22
hey sarah i have never heard of what u think u have but i can say that what u describe happens to me its just classic anxiety i think there are lots of us that suffer from this so you are not alone i hope this is reassuring for you

lee xx

02-10-08, 00:24
just wanted to add, if its any reassurance to you..whenever i am on the cusp of a panic attack or have even the slightest anxiety my ability to swallow properly is affected. It seems to be a classic sympton of anxiety and one which many members of this forum can relate to and understand. The minute i feel anxious, my ability to swallow or eat or drink is affected and it stays like this for hours afterwards.

02-10-08, 18:08
My throat feels like closing up when I am anxious. I even have trouble swallowing, but when I calm down it goes away.

03-10-08, 13:11
Thanks everyone. You are all so kind and lovely. None of us deserve this!

Throat much better today - I have found distraction good and also sucking fruit gums seems to help as its something to focus on.

Happy Friday everyone :)

03-10-08, 13:15
Yeah i concurr with a few others here that even if i wear loose clothing around my neck area, if i have an attack or pre-warning my throat seems suffocated.

Does this always happen to you Sarah or is it infrequent?


03-10-08, 13:24
Well I just had my first attack on tuesday and the main part of it was feeling like my throat was swellingup and I couldnt breathe. The day after I was obsessed with swallowing to make sure i could still breathe and my neck felt all tense.

Since I have calmed down its only a little bit tense but I am more aware of my throat and breathing etc. So I am not sure how often this willhappen but it is definately getting better after a few days which is good.
