View Full Version : Panic

01-10-08, 18:15
This to you may seem a little wierd and people may think i am mad. but i am realy worried about this!

I think i am going to die or become realy ill on 11th november
In 2001 i work up on @11:11on 01/01/01 this has stuck in my mind since! this year has been very wierd when i look at the clock its 11:11 or numbers like that. i also bought a few items and when the girl behind the counter gave me the reciept i realised that i had bought so
me items and the cost was £11.11 and the time was 11:11. this has realy freaked me out! this fear has just been fueled because today i found out that my parents have cancelled a holiday because my dad (who doesnt worry about things much) has a bad feeling about it they were suposed to go in november! My sister has also seen these numbers! I cant stop worying about this as aresult this has taken my health anxiety to a new level! i am sure that i have lumps every where. every thing i feel i think i have a lump. does any one else experience these sort of thoughts like worry about superstitions etc.


01-10-08, 21:18
hi original poster,

im not saying you have ocd as i am not a professional but what you are talking about does sound like an obsession.

try your best not to focus on it too much... then the anxiety should lessen

cos you do know rationally that this is not logical

all the best

Captain America
02-10-08, 00:00
you know how right after you buy a blue car, you see tons of the same kind of car out there that you never noticed before? i'm absolutely sure you're suffering from the same. i wonder how many 'signs' of 12:12 you probably have missed during the same time period that you've been noticing all these 1's?

anxiety is very good at noticing things, such as how we body scan for symptoms (i developed ear creases this year, or so i thought. i looked back at pictures from 2007 and there they were. i just didn't see them!)

it's part of the whole thing...when you're afraid of something, your senses really pay attention as a means of keeping you safe.

i say either distract yoursel, or start looking for patterns of 2's or 3's in the meantime.

02-10-08, 06:56
Captain is right, your mind is focusing in on the 1 thing because you've basically (subconciously) told it that 1s are something to notice and worry about. It's probably the same mechanism that makes you feel the symptoms of the illness that you've just been reading about. 11 November is just another day in the future like all the others. Try not to focus on it (easier said than done I know) :).