View Full Version : Help Please feel totally trapped

01-10-08, 18:51
Dont know why I am posting this as I dont feel there are any answers out there for me. I have been suffering the worst anxiety panic etc for the last two months I have been on 80mg propananol and a smal dose of valium 3mg for the last two weeks which gave me a slight good spell. But all of a sudden I started having panics again the prop sems to have stopped working and now im taking 15-20mg of valium a day as well which seem to be having little effect am I a freak the only one any meds wont work on this is really stressing me out. The only time I seem to relax is at night when all the fam is in bed I just lay on the couch with my cat and watch tv till the small hours dredding going to bed to wake up to another hell day, I feel there is no hope no nothing what can I do

milly jones
01-10-08, 18:57
aww hunny im so sorry that u are feeling this way

what about going back to the gp and telling him how the anxiety is affecting ur life hun

sometimes posting on here helps to so its good that u have ppl who want to help u and who may be able to let u believe ur not alone out there


milly xxx

01-10-08, 19:18
If it is any help I took propanaprol for a bit and found it didn't really help much. I also had a few days on valium lately (2mg) to get me back to work. That did work but only took the edge of the anxiety but I think that it is all it is supposed to do.

Perhaps you should go back to you Doc and discuss changing meds. There are so many I am sure there will be one that works well for you. The one that did it for me was Citalopram. Worked a treat :)

01-10-08, 19:19
I agree with Milly - I think you need to see yoru GP to see if any adjustment to meds can be made e.g change of doseage ( they may have put you on a low one to get you started?)

And as Milly says post on here to get your thoughts out - it helps. Also have relaxing baths in the evening and try to relax more. There's lots of helpful tips on this site on relaxation. It might help .. xxx